A delegation from the Archaeological Museum of Alicante will leave this weekend for Tehran to give a series of lectures on the exhibition 'Alicante. Treasures of the MARQ', which is on display at the National Museum of Iran (MNI) until 8 April 2020. The conference will take place next Tuesday, 3 December, and will be attended by archaeologists, technicians and experts from the Alicante centre.
The proposal for international cultural cooperation will focus on issues related to the archaeology, museum management and the conservation of cultural heritage. The managing director of the MARQ-Alicante CV Foundation, José Alberto Cortéswill open the meeting with a conference entitled "The management of cultural heritage as a tool for local development and its tourism potential: the MARQ model". The director of Exhibitions of the Fundación CV MARQ and head of Exhibitions and Dissemination of the Alicante museum, Jorge Solerwill take over from him with a talk on the concept of MARQ as a platform for conservation and dissemination, with Neolithic and Cave Art as the backbone.
Under the title "The pillars of our history: Alicante, land of frontiers and castles", the archaeologist from the MARQ's Exhibitions and Dissemination Unit, José Luis Menéndezwill detail the origins of the valuable cultural heritage that the province treasures. This will be followed by the lecturer from the University of Alicante, José Cutillaswill give a talk on "The Safavid Empire of Iran and the Spanish Monarchy: 130 years of diplomatic and cultural relations".
For decades, the Diputación de Alicante has been working to recovering and enhancing the value of those monuments or singular elements and, in this field, the director of the Architecture area of the institution, Rafael Pérezwill explain the strategies followed by his department for the conservation of the province's heritage. Finally, the inspector of Movable Heritage in the Territorial Service of Culture in Alicante of the Generalitat Valenciana, Luis Pablo Martínezwill conclude the cycle with the conference "Andalusian irrigation agrosystems: an introduction to the heritage value and universal significance of irrigation channels".
It should be recalled that the exhibition 'Alicante. Treasures of the MARQwhich opened in September at the MNI, offers an exhaustive selection of 283 parts from the collections of the Alicante museum.