MARQ presents at FITUR the exhibition 'Idols' with unique prehistoric pieces from Spain and Portugal.


   FITUR has been the chosen venue to present this morning Idols. Millenarian gazes'.the sample that opens the 2020 exhibition programme of the MARQ. The project, carried out together with the Regional Archaeological Museum of Madrid (MAR), with which it will share its headquarters, brings together 226 pieces from around twenty museums in Spain and Portugal.  

   The President of the Diputación de Alicante, Carlos Mazónpresented this morning in Madrid the new proposal, which will be inaugurated on 29 January, together with the vice-president and deputy for Culture, Julia Parra, y the Regional Minister for Culture of the Community of Madrid, Marta Rivera.

    Mazón highlighted the high level of the exhibition, which is the result of the cooperation between the Community of Madrid and the Diputación de AlicanteHe stated that the "Costa Blanca comes to Fitur with ambition because we are an important destination in which culture is another attraction, at the same level as the rest of our offer". In this line, he recalled that the MARQ closed 2019 with nearly 200,000 visitors and this year, "not only with the 'Idols' exhibition but also with the exhibition of the warriors of Xi'an we will exceed this figure".

     For her part, the deputy for Culture has stated that 'Idols' presents a unique page of prehistory in the Iberian Peninsula to discover the early artistic expressions of the human figure and face, in stone, ceramics, bone, ivory and gold. Parra has expressed her satisfaction with the outcome of the involvement and cooperation between the two museumsHe hoped that it would be extended to future projects and initiatives, and thanked Rivera in particular for his support for this project.

  The deputy for Culture emphasised that "we wanted to set an example of how, by joining forces and pooling talent and heritage, a project like this one with a national and international scope can go ahead, with the Diputación de Alicante and the Consejeria de Cultura y Turismo de la Comunidad de Madrid working hand in hand". Finally, Julia Parra invited the public to visit the exhibition from 29 January at the MARQ. 

   For her part, the Regional Minister of the Community of Madrid also agreed that "Culture can be the great backbone of Spain and we have to work in this direction so that this is not a one-off event. I believe that citizens are demanding that the administrations get involved in the development of common projects".

      The exhibition exhibits over the course of two rooms and the central corridor of the Archaeological Museum of Alicante an impressive collection of anthropomorphic figures known since the first half of the twentieth century as "Idols", which are interpreted as a reference to the great Eastern Mother Goddess. It is a a movable set of genuine and schematic representations of the human body and face, of various nature and form, which concentrated on the southern half of the Iberian PeninsulaThe best testimony to beliefs shared by Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic collectives between 3300 and 2500 BC.

   At the presentation of the exhibition, which will be open for visits until 19 AprilThe managing director of the CV-MARQ Foundation also participated, José Alberto Cortésthe director of MARQ, Manuel Olcinathe director of the MAR, Enrique Baquedanoand the curators of the exhibition, Jorge A. Soler and Primitiva Bueno.