The Camp d'Alacant course ends with full capacity in all sessions


  Yesterday afternoon, in the Sala Noble of the MARQ Library, one of the training courses for teachers that has aroused most expectation, not only among teachers but also among the general public, came to an end. "Itinerario Formativo del Paisaje Cultural del Campo de Alicante. La Huerta de Alicante Part I" has managed to fill the capacity in all its sessions with a total of 45 participants in a conference initially aimed at the 30 registered teachers of Infant, Special, Primary and Secondary Education.

  The countryside and orchards of Alicante are home to a cultural and historical heritage of incalculable value that is currently in the process of disappearing due to the intense urban development that is taking place around the urban centres. Huerta towers, dams, irrigation ditches, mills, traditional irrigation crops, music, customs... make up an enormous heritage that needs to be preserved and enhanced.

  This course, carried out by the Didactics and Accessibility Unit of the MAR Foundation, recognised by the Generalitat Valenciana and the Regional Ministry of Education as a training centre, has allowed the participants to gain an in-depth knowledge of the cultural and historical wealth of the Camp d'Alacant and to appreciate the importance of this heritage and its capacity to become a tourist, cultural and social asset in its own right.

  The talks, directed and coordinated by MARQ archaeologist José Luis Menéndez, were given by leading specialists such as Miguel Martínez, Lina Vega, Luis Pablo Martínez, Marius Bevià, Santiago Varela, Joan Borja, Alicia Castelló, Jorge Payá, Assumpció Brotons, Julia Berenguer, Victor Blay, Rafael Ripoll and Andrés Pedreño.