The Provincial Council of Alicante activates a preventive protocol in the ADDA, MARQ, MUBAG and other of its centres in the face of the coronavirus.


The President of the Diputación de Alicante, Carlos Mazónpresided this morning over the Health and Safety Committee of the provincial institution for to concretise the measures to be adopted in order to preventing the transmission and spread of the coronavirus. During the meeting, which was attended by representatives of all trade unionsas well as the party spokespersons politicians of the Provincial Council, it has been agreed to activate a preventive protocol in spaces such as the ADDAThe MARQthe Mubagthe IAC and in other centres dependent on the institution, as well as, with special emphasis, on the Provincial Home and in the Doctor Esquerdo Centre by the group of vulnerable people living in them.

Afterwards, Mazón travelled to Alicante City Hall where he met with the mayor, Luis Barcalaand his government team, as well as with the spokespersons of the other parties in the council to inform them of the decisions taken.

The containment and prevention measures, as Mazón indicated, "will be in place until further notice" and he stressed that "our priority is the elderly". On this point, the president thanked the civic understanding and the collaboration with other administrations as well as the Alicante city council, political groups, professionals and workers, while he added that "we will be attentive to when it happens, because this is a live issue and we will keep you informed of each of the indications that we receive, either from the Ministry of Health or from the Regional Ministry".

 One of the main focuses of action will be on the Provincial Home and in the Doctor Esquerdo Centre by the vulnerability of its users. At the Provincial Home, measures have been put in place that increase hygieneas well as the restriction of family visits and outside personnel, while it has been decided to annularuntil further notice, group outings which were held once a week. In addition, all activities planned in the Assembly Hall are cancelled. of the building, as well as training courses and sporting activities in its facilities (football pitches, athletics track, swimming pool and gymnasium).

At the Centro Doctor Esquerdo and the Instituto de la Familia, the emphasis will be placed on the cleaning and disinfection of common areasThe safety distance with patients and relatives and visits will be limited. Also are suspendedat the Doctor Esquerdo Centre, the home and exit permits of users unaccompanied by internal staff.

With regard to the Provincial Palace, are interrupted immediately and during the whole month of March the children's plenary sessionswhile in the ADDA the concerts scheduled for this weekend are cancelled.Friday's concert in the Chamber Hall, corresponding to the early music competition, Saturday's concert for the benefit of the Alzheimer's Association of Alicante and Sunday's concert of the Bands of Music, the latter two of which are scheduled to take place in the Symphonic Hall.

In cultural spaces, the MARQ will control the capacity of its halls, no more than 300 people visiting the museum at a timeby distributing them in a maximum of 50 people per room on its route. This number will be reduced to 25 people for the Temporales. Likewise, the activities and events in the Assembly Hall during the period for which such indications are maintained will be reduced to a total of 50 persons (of a capacity of 200), in order to maintain the recommended distances. The school workshops are also cancelledHowever, activities at the sites are not, as they are open spaces. In the Almudaina TowerInstead, the number of people who can visit the site each day will be reduced to 10..

As far as the MUBAG, tuesday and thursday concerts cancelled The number of visitors was reduced to a maximum of 10 per room, while at the Instituto Alicantino de Cultura, the number of visitors was reduced to a maximum of 10 per room. Juan Gil-Albert activities with public concurrence are postponed at its headquarters.

The aim of this preventive action protocol in these centres is to preventing and limiting the transmission of viruses COVID-19's own, while at the same time prevent viral infections and to protect both the residents of the facilities, as well as health and work personnel. who work in them.