The Diputación de Alicante will close from tomorrow, Friday its cultural centres in the MARQthe MUBAG and the Juan Gil-Albert Institute of Culture of Alicante as a preventive measure to contain the spread of the coronavirus. It is a temporary closure, until further noticeThe decision was taken in accordance with the evolution of the disease and the recommendations issued by the official institutions. The decision, taken in order to ensuring the safety of both visitors and employeesThis means that these centres will cease to be open to the public, although the staff will continue to carry out their work. The exhibition rooms of the Provincial Palace will also be temporarily closed to the public.
The Provincial Council has also adopted a series of measures to prevent the risk of COVID-19 spreading in the rest of the centres dependent on the institution with the aim of limiting the transmission of this virus.
The strictest protocol for action is carried out in the Provincial Home and in the Doctor Esquerdo Centre by the vulnerability of its users. At the Provincial Home, initiatives have been implemented that increase hygieneas well as the restriction of family visits and outside personnel, while it has been decided to annularuntil further notice, group outings which were held once a week. In addition, all activities planned in the Assembly Hall are cancelled. of the building, as well as training courses and sporting activities in its facilities (football pitches, athletics track, swimming pool and gymnasium).
At the Centro Doctor Esquerdo and at the Instituto de la Familia the cleaning and disinfection of common areasThe safety distance with patients and relatives and visits are being limited. Also have been suspended the home and exit permits of users unaccompanied by internal staff.
With regard to the Provincial PalaceThe exhibition halls are also being closed. have been discontinued immediately and during the whole month of March the children's plenary sessions. For its part, in the ADDA the concerts scheduled for this weekend have been cancelled..
Internal communication
On the other hand, the employees of the Provincial Council have received today a internal communication sent by the Member for Human Resources, Maria Gomezwhich provides guidelines on how to deal with this emergency situation. These include the following recommendations reduce working meetings in any of the buildings of this administration to those strictly necessaryIn addition, group sessions, especially with people from outside the institution, should be avoided. It is suggested, in this case, to resort to the videoconferencingas well as to telephone calls and telematics.
The document also agrees to suspending the running of courses and training activities The continuity of the processes is guaranteed in all cases. It is also advisable, postponing business trips and in justified cases, the following shall be permitted telework modalities.
This preventive protocol, which will prevent and curb viral infections, has temporary nature and be adapted and modified according to the course of the disease and any new recommendations announced by both the Ministry of Health as the Conselleria. These additional provisions entail the adoption of additional provisions to ensure the provision of public services, without undermining the health of our employees.