MARQ with World Down Syndrome Day


On 21 March, the World Day for People with Down Syndrome. MARQ joins this initiative reaffirming the collaboration that we have maintained for seven years with the Alicante Down's Syndrome Association.   

From MARQ we would also like to join the campaign that DOWN ESPAÑA has launched #LosVerdaderosInfluencers, which explains how people with Down syndrome have a very positive influence on their immediate environment, changing the way of seeing the lives of the people around them.

The aim is to show society the way of seeing the life of this group, and the need to proceed to a complete inclusion of the people who are part of it in all its areas.

In order to contribute to the dissemination of these initiatives, the MARQ has carried out projects providing the necessary resources for the normalisation of the lives of these people, trying to ensure that they citizens are more aware of the importance of educational and cultural work for people with Down's syndrome.

Our intention has been, not only to make them visible, but also, and above all, to break the the false belief that people with disabilities are not able to participate directly in cultural activities.

At MARQ we have organised workshops, guided tours, conferences, projects and, in short, an endless number of experiences in which people with Down's syndrome have participated fully and with excellent results, which we hope to continue to do in the future.

From here we encourage you to support this magnificent campaign, which will help us to share that way of seeing life with optimism and strength, so necessary especially in these difficult times we are living, that people with Down syndrome transmit to us, like José Manuel and Jesús from IES Mediterrània in Benidorm, who have joined our hastag #quedateencasaconelmarq.