The Shaaanxi National Museum of History in Xi'an donates 1,000 face masks to MARQ to be made available to the health system.


The Shaanxi National Museum of History in Chinawith which the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ), has offered to donate 1,000 health-rated face masks. The two centres have strengthened their channels of cooperation and dialogue as a result of the planning process initiated to bring the exhibition to Alicante. Terracotta warriors of Xi'an. Eternal Guardians of the First Emperor'.

The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraThe European Parliament, he said, "is moved and filled with hope that those who have gone through the worst of this crisis are showing their solidarity with us in these difficult times for our country".

This material would be in addition to the material already provided by both the MARQ as the Gravina Fine Arts Museum (MUBAG) destined for the hospital enabled at the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre Doctor Esquerdo. From the restoration workshops, the available stocks have been delivered, in total. about a hundred face masks, around a thousand gloves and disinfectant material purchased by the Culture Department.

Julia Parra expressed her gratitude for the donation made by the teams of the two museums over the last two weeks. "It was decided from the outset that these resources would be given to health workers to meet needs that are of the utmost priority given the lack of equipment to deal with the current coronavirus pandemic. This is a gesture that we hope will help," she said.

The MARQ and the MUBAG have developed different initiatives in response to the current exceptional situation. The campaigns #quedateencasaconelmarq, y #MUBAGfromhomevisible through the social networks, offer a comprehensive free online programme to maintain an open channel for culture and knowledge with daily contents aimed at audiences of all ages. The offer includes activities for children, virtual toursThe exhibition includes commentaries on pieces and curiosities.