MARQ joins the World Autism Awareness Day


"I can learn. I can work" is the slogan with which this event is commemorated today around the world, with the aim of improving the situation of people with ASD in education and employment. This initiative is gaining more strength over the years in the task of making visible and helping to raise social awareness of the singularities of autistic people in all corners of the planet, and that this 2 April 2020, the use of the colour blue, Light It Up Blue, has been proposed as an identifier of this World Awareness Day, promoting its use both by associations and people involved as well as by the rest of society and that, due to the particular circumstances we are living in, with more than a third of the world's population in confinement due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19, it will have a special prominence in social networks.

On the occasion of this day, from MARQ we remember with special affection the girls and boys of the Autism Classroom of the C.P. Santo Domingo of Alicante, with whom we shared the project "Journey to Prehistory", with whom we all learned so much, about each other, and also about our Prehistory. A virtual hug for all of them, their teachers and parents, together with all our support for all the families during these weeks in which they have changed our routine (so important for children with ASD), so that together we manage to overcome these days of confinement in the most positive way possible. Happy Day Friends!