The Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ) has relaunched the third edition of the programme Marq + 65in collaboration with the cultural association Asautewhich will take place through virtual channels from tomorrow, 15 May, until 5 June.
The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraWe wanted to continue with this programme, aimed at people over 65 years of age, using new online resources to make it a reality, given the impossibility of following the face-to-face meetings due to the current circumstances of confinement," he explained. The result is, without a doubt, an updated and very dynamic and interactive proposal that we hope will be well received".
This initiative is the result of an agreement between the MARQ Foundation and Asaute signed three years ago, which has enabled innovative projects to be set up, such as the "MARQ +65" course, which develops training tools that allow the elderly to get to know their local heritage.
MARQ has sought to new channels to continue collaborating to involve seniors in online cultural activity through a full programme of virtual classes that will take place on Fridays from tomorrow, 15 May. They will be given by the Didactics and Accessibility Unit of the MARQ Foundation which will cover different themes such as the The Middle Ages, the Iberians and anecdotes and curiosities about pandemics and quarantines. throughout history.
"MARQ +65" consists of offering training sessions on the content of the museum from Prehistory to the Modern and Contemporary Ages, and their sites. The programme is aimed at students from Senior Citizen Classroomswho in the 2919-2020 academic year visited the permanent halls, the temporary exhibition "Idols. Miradas Milenarias" and have attended talks on cultures present in the Iberian Peninsula, workshops and internships. The programme could not be completed due to the health crisis at Covid-19. The Friday sessions, which had 25 participants, were suspended on 12 March due to the closure of the museum, but will be resumed this week in a virtual form.
This training will be complemented next year, when the participants will take an active part in the Didactic Unit Programme with Schoolsmaking the elders the voice of the MARQ in schools. The deputy for Culture pointed out that "this is a very interesting intergenerational project in which older and younger people exchange experiences, using the MARQ as a space for meeting and common dialogue".