The Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ) has successfully completed the task of disassembly and packaging of the 283 pieces that make up the exhibition Alicante. Treasures of the MARQ'.which from 22 September to 30 June has been on display at the headquarters of the National Museum of Iran (MNI) in Tehran.
The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraHe explained that "given the difficulties of travelling to Iran due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the pieces were dismantled following a strict protocol by video conference, something completely new and which is undoubtedly an example of collaboration between museum institutions involved in the development of temporary exhibitions".
The terms of the procedure were agreed between the director of MARQ, Manuel Olcinaand the director of the NMI, Jebrail NokandehThe museum's security conditions, which have security cameras, security guards, and restrictions and controls on access to the museum's temporary exhibition hall, are described in a letter. The collection is scheduled to arrive at the Alicante museum on 20 July.
The work was carried out between 6 and 7 July under the coordination of Jorge Soler, head of Exhibitions and Dissemination at MARQ. The communication between the Iranian team and the Alicante team has been carried out telematically.The images will be projected on a large screen in the Board Room of the MARQ Foundation. The working hours were agreed taking into account the two and a half hour difference between countries and working days, as well as the conditions for handling the work, following the Packing list and implementing pandemic prevention measures, including the use of gloves and masks.
The aim of the operation has been to removal of parts from display cases, its checking and packaging in optimum condition and its arrangement in six large wooden crates prepared in Spain for the transport of the collection with all the guarantees.
Parra confirmed that "there have been no incidents and the result has been satisfactory. However, the pieces will be thoroughly checked once they have been deposited in Alicante". There have already been experiences of telematic examination of the dismantling of pieces in other museums, however, the operation carried out by the MNI and MARQ is more complex given the volume of the collection and the variety of materials and formats.
The deputy for Culture emphasised that "this concludes a very important cultural cooperation between museums in different countries that has served as a bridge to unite the ancient legacy and culture of two nations, Iran and Spain, with a history as impressive as that of the peoples and people who have inhabited them". He also thanked the specialists who took part for "the great work carried out by the MARQ and the National Museum of Iran, both in the days leading up to and during the two intense days of work, which concluded even earlier than planned".
The collection on display at the MNI evokes the presence of the civilisations that have populated the Mediterranean arc from prehistoric to modern times and includes mostly ceramics, although there are also large ensembles of metal, stone and tiles.
The MARQ has been the first Spanish museum to exhibit its collections in Iran. This milestone is part of the agreement signed with the National Museum of the Islamic Republic that previously brought to Alicante 'Iran. Cradle of Civilizations', an exhibition that registered more than 101,000 visits in just over five months of exhibition at the Archaeological Museum of the Diputacion de Alicante.