The first vice-president of the Diputación de Alicante and deputy for Culture, Julia Parraand the Regional Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Community of Madrid, Marta Riverahave inaugurated the exhibition 'Idols. Millennial Glances'. in the Regional Archaeological Museum of Madrid (MAR), the second venue for this exhibition, following its run in the Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ).
Julia Parra stressed during her speech "the importance of this exhibition for its uniqueness and cultural importance and for being a clear example of what can be achieved thanks to institutional collaboration and teamwork developed by the archaeological museums of Alicante and Madrid". The deputy for Culture also highlighted the good acceptance that it has had among the public. More than 29,000 people have been able to enjoy the exhibition first hand in Alicante and around 60,000 have followed her virtually through the MARQ website.
The MARQ and the MAR have joined forces to bring together 226 unique pieces from Spanish and Portuguese museums in a proposal that brings the public closer to the existence and meaning of idols, understood as genuine and schematic representations of the human body and face of diverse nature and form that are part of the symbolism of recent prehistory in the Iberian Peninsula.
Idols' can be visited until 10 January 2021 in the temporary exhibition hall of the MAR which occupies the upper gallery of the cloister of the building located in Alcalá de Henares. The exhibition is curated by Primitiva BuenoProfessor of Prehistory at the University of Alcalá de Henares, and Jorge A. SolerDirector of Exhibitions and Curator of Prehistory at MARQ. The opening ceremony held this morning was also attended by the director of MARQ, Enrique Baquedanothe director of MARQ, Manuel Olcinaand the managing director of the MARQ Foundation, José Alberto Cortés.
The exhibition design and architecture has been directed by the architect Angel Rocamora and graphic design by Luis Sanz. The project is complemented by audio-visual resources, directed by Gustavo VílchezThe exhibition and the process of researching the idols are presented and their significance explained.
Idols. Millenarian gazes'. brings together pieces from 20 museums and collectionsThese include the National Archaeological Museum, Museum of Huelva, Museum of Jaén, Archaeological Museum of Seville, Archaeological and Ethnological Museum of Córdoba, Provincial Archaeological Museum of Badajoz, Museum of Valladolid, Museum of Prehistory of Valencia, MARQ Archaeological Museum of Alicante, Archaeological Museum Camil Visedo Moltó of Alcoy, Municipal Museum of Lorca, National Museum of Archaeology of Lisbon, ERA Collection and Regional Archaeological Museum of Madrid.