The MARQ obtains the Covid-19 prepared establishment label thanks to its implementation of good practices.


The MARQ has been awarded the establishment prepared in front of Covid-19 which grants the Secretary of State for Tourism, after passing the evaluation certifying the implementation, by the Alicante Archaeological Museum, of the Advanced Good Practices for the reduction of contagion risk by Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

This recognition, within the framework of the Integral System of Tourism Quality in Destinations SICTED, has been granted in the committee held on July 31st and is added to the 'Safe Tourism Certified' seal obtained by the CV-MARQ Foundation, benchmark award in safe tourism issued by the Instituto para la Calidad Turística Española -ICTE-.

The First Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraThe MARQ Foundation has stated that "with this new recognition, the MARQ Foundation consolidates its commitment to quality and excellence in the provision of its customer service, integrating meticulous attention to the visitor with compliance with current health recommendations".

The MARQ, after an extreme refurbishment of its facilities to preserve the health of both its workers and visitors, reopened its doors to the public at the beginning of June.. Since then, under the slogan 'Your health is everyone's health'the museum has developed a wide-ranging information campaign to raise awareness among all those who come to their facilities of the need to be responsible and follow health standards and protocols stipulated.

This security plan includes measures and recommendations which include a thermo-controlled areathe safety distance two-metre interpersonal, the obligatory use of maskshygiene elements such as the hydroalcoholic gel and disinfection mats footwear. In addition, the following have been established one-way visit itineraries, small guided groups eight people and restricted capacity in all rooms.

According to Parra, "the MARQ is a museum for all audiences, which is why it continues with its personal integration programmes and its team of guides and hostesses who cater for people with different abilities".

Finally, the deputy for Culture pointed out that since it reopened its doors on June 9 more than 5,200 people have passed through the different rooms of the MARQ.