Half a hundred schools in the province take part in the MARQ's story competition on Covid-19


The MARQ hosted this morning the award ceremony of the competition "Stories from my window. How our children face the fight against COVID-19". 49 schools in the province took part in the competition. The winners were first year secondary school pupils from the school La Purísima and San Francisco de Alicante, with the work The SpiralThe event was held in the archaeological museum.

The Vice-President and DIVE WATCHES deputy for Culture, Julia ParraShe said she was "very proud of this initiative aimed at exploring how young people have experienced the pandemic, their emotions, concerns and reflections, their thoughts and their vision of the future". In the competition, organised by the Didactics and Accessibility Unit of the MARQ Foundation in collaboration with Obra Social 'la Caixa'.have participated students at all levels, from Pre-school to Baccalaureate and Special Education.

The main objective of this proposal, which was organised online during the confinement, was to find out the young people's point of view on the situation created by the health crisis. With Julia Parra at the helm, the jury was made up of the managing director of the MARQ Foundation, José Alberto Cortésthe museum's director, Manuel OlcinaThe exhibition will be held in the Museum's exhibitions and dissemination department, Jorge Solerand teachers Sara Ferreroof the IES La Foia-Ibi, and Luis Rodríguezpsychologist and lecturer at the Miguel Hernández University. She has also acted as secretary Gema Sala PérezCoordinator of the Didactics and Accessibility Unit of the MARQ Foundation.  

The second prize went to the story Sick to death of the coronaviruspresented by the students of 6th year of Primary Education of the centre Internships La Aneja de Alicantewho will enjoy a trip to the Almudaina Tower. And third place went to Story of a quarantineof the 1st year class of Artistic Baccalaureate of the CEU Jesús y María of Alicantewho have won an excursion to the Cava Gran in Agres. In addition, all participants will receive free tickets to MARQ and its sites, educational guides, school material, etc.

On the other hand, and in view of the quality of the works presented, the members of the jury awarded two special mentions. The first was for the story My prehistoric idolpresented by the students of 1st year of ESO of the IES La Canal of Petrerand the second for So long, fellow adventurerof students from 3rd year of ESO of the school La Purísima y San Francisco de Alicante.