The Alicante Provincial Council resumes this year's face-to-face programming of the International Museum Daynext Tuesday 18 May, in its cultural centres after being held online last year on the occasion of Covid-19. The MUBAGthe MARQ and the Alicante Institute of Culture Juan Gil-Albert are joining for the ninth year this year this proposal of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).
The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraHe pointed out that the cultural centres of the Diputación de Alicante have prepared a varied programme of events with more than thirty activities aimed at all audiences to commemorate #DIM2021. "After a year with many limitations, it is a great satisfaction to once again enjoy culture in person, touring the magnificent facilities that we have at our disposal with all the security measures recommended by the authorities in this pandemic scenario to ensure the public's peace of mind," said the provincial head.
With 'The Future of Museums: Reclaiming and Reimagining'. as its emblem, ICOM proposes a reflection on the future model of museums and their role in assuming and leading the change imposed at all levels by the global health crisis. An invitation to create and share challenges with culture as the essential axis and driving force for recovery in the post-Covid era.
The MUBAG will celebrate the DIM on Tuesday, 18 Maywith the presentation of The Window of Art a new exhibition space to be inaugurated with the artist Maria Chana. The aim of this proposal is to present authors of the Alicante cultural scene of the last decades of the 20th century through works from the collection of the Diputación de Alicante.
In addition, under the title 'Experiences, methodologies and resources to make museums spaces for equality', on Saturday 22 May will be held a round table The lecturer in History of Art at the University of Murcia, Isabel Tejedathe writer Mª Ángeles Pérezresearcher and art curator Sofia Albero and the MUA technique Remedios Navarro. The activity, part of the Antigones programme, winner of the Reset call of the Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana, will take place at 12 noon. Places are limited and registration can be made at [email protected]
Also on Saturday, at 18 hoursa session has been organised for Mus 'n'babiesby Utem Escola de MúsicaThis is a musical journey through the MUBAG's permanent exhibition, stopping off at the most inspiring works. Seating is limited and prior registration must be made at the following address [email protected]
The MARQ will alternate digital activities with other face-to-face ones such as routes and guided toursThe museum's facilities, sites and other places of cultural interest. All activities are free of charge and seating is limited, so bookings must be made by calling 965149000.
The 18 May Julia Parra will present the trilogy of the publications by A fairytale hospitala project organised by the CV MARQ Foundation in collaboration with the Hospital Paediatrics Unit and the Paediatrics Department of the Alicante University Hospital. In addition, the following will be carried out online workshops at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. and five guided tour passes to the museum from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Framed in the Terra Project -whose objective is to contribute to the protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage of the Huerta of Alicante ( 22 May activities will continue with a family walking route by La Condominaat 11 a.m., to visit Torre Plàcia, Torre de la Media Libra, Torre el Ciprés and Torre Juana, where a didactic workshop will be held afterwards.
Also on Saturday there will be a online workshop at 11 a.m. and activities in the museum with guided tours (at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.), animated visits combined with educational workshops (at 12 p.m. and 5.30 p.m.), a dramatised visit at 5 p.m. and a performance in the gardens of the MARQ of traditional dances of the Huerta performed by ASAUTE Aulas de la Tercera Edad, at 18:00.
The same Saturday, Lucentum will combine a animated visit with workshop The 'Orchard' will start at 11 a.m. and will feature both guided tours as a dramatised at 12:30 p.m. In the Illeta there will be a animated visit with workshop Build a tower' at 12.3 p.m. guided tours.
On Sunday 23 MayOn the last day of the DIM 2021 calendar, the MARQ will host a visit with workshop Build a tower' at 11:00 a.m. and another one at 11:00 a.m. animated visit with the workshop Graffiti' at 12:30 p.m., as well as guided tours. In addition to the guided tours, at Lucentumthere will be a animated visit with workshop Huerto' at 11 a.m. and in the Illeta la guided tour with the workshop Build a tower' will take place at 12 noon and the dramatised pass to the site will take place at 12:30 pm.
The Instituto Alicantino de Cultura also joins the commemoration of the IWD with two proposals about the Money-Merchandise-Money exposurewhich can currently be visited at the Casa Bardín. The tuesday 18 May a guided tour will be offered at 12:00 noon and a meeting at 19:30 pm with Luisa Pastor and Pilar Tébarartist and curator of the project, respectively. The activities are free of charge, limited to capacity.