The CV-MARQ Foundation's project 'How our children face the fight against COVID-19', whose main objective was to know the point of view of the youngest children on the situation created by this health crisis, has culminated with the delivery of the publication "Dreams from my window" to the twelve schoolchildren whose works have been published. The winners of the competition received both the book of stories and an affectionate personalised letter from the Vice-President of the Foundation and Member of the Provincial Council for Culture, Julia Parra.
This initiative, launched during the confinement, aimed to give schoolchildren an experience that would allow them to express emotions and share their concerns, reflections, thoughts and, why not, their vision of the future, and it became a valuable collective testimony of our recent history. Nearly 400 students from all levels of education took part in the project, submitting a total of 49 stories full of emotions, concerns, reflections and thoughts. From these stories, a total of twelve were pre-selected by the colleagues of the MARQ Foundation's Didactic Unit, which became a Reading Commission, who chose those of the highest quality to be awarded prizes. These twelve stories are the ones that appear in this publication, which becomes an unpublished document to describe a very complicated moment in our contemporary history for all of us. These twelve works were evaluated independently and objectively by the jury, chaired by Julia Parra, taking into consideration the age and school years of the authors, and three winners and two honourable mentions were finally selected. First prize was awarded to the story called 'La Espiral', presented by the first year students of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) of the school Colegio La Purísima y San Francisco de Alicante. The second prize went to the story 'Hasta la coronilla del coronavirus', an initiative of the sixth year of Primary Education students from the school Prácticas La Aneja in Alicante. The third prize was awarded to 'Historia de una cuarentena', presented by the first year students of the Bachillerato Artístico at the CEU Jesús y María school in Alicante. The members of the jury also agreed to award two special mentions, in view of the quality of the works presented and the effort and motivation of the students who created them. The first special mention went to the work 'My prehistoric idol', by students in the first year of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) at the IES La Canal Secondary School in Petrer (Alicante). The second special mention went to the story entitled 'Hasta luego, compañero de aventuras', submitted by the third year of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) students from the Colegio La Purísima y San Francisco de Alicante.