A total of 190 children have participated in the 17th MARQ Summer Campaign and were able to enjoy the numerous activities programmed by the museum, which this year revolved around the rich cultural heritage of the old Huerta of Alicante.
The MARQ resumed between 5 July and 27 August The vice-president and deputy for Culture emphasised that "the proposal has been a great success at all levels and the youngest children have been able to enjoy the contents of the museum again and learn about the historical, environmental and landscape heritage of the Huerta de Alicante in a very entertaining and educational way", Julia Parra, who explained that the theme chosen this year was due to "the historical importance of the market garden, its relationship with many of the pieces in the permanent exhibition and its links with the sites of the Illeta del Banyets and Lucentum".
The activities, which have included workshops, games and entertainmentThe courses were held from Monday to Friday at groups of 25 studentsaged 6 to 14 years, per week to ensure the safety of participants. A total of 190 registrations have been reached in the eight weeks of the campaign.
"Thanks to this programme, we get children to learn to value and protect cultural and environmental heritage through fun and dynamic activities designed by the professionals of the MARQ's educational team in collaboration with the museum's archaeologists," concluded Parra.