The MARQ has presented the didactic programming for the school year 2021-22 which starts with the aim of restoring normality and offering a wide range of proposals to the educational community. This year the theme of the activities revolves around the international exhibition 'Etruscans. The Dawn of Rome'.
The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraHe explained that "we want to involve the educational community in all the exhibitions on display at the MARQ and bring the museum closer to both teachers and schoolchildren with a complete educational programme and the opening of a digital classroom with fun and entertaining activities to encourage interest in archaeology and knowledge of our history".
The programme, in collaboration with CaixaBank and "la Caixa" Foundationalso has teacher training courses as the third part of the 'Curso Paisaje Cultural del campo de Alicante. La Huerta de Alicante', 'Etruscans. The Dawn of Rome', 'The Terracotta Warriors of Xi'an. Eternal Guardians of the First Emperor' and 'Prehistory through Levantine cave art and the legacies of the MARQ', which could not be held last year due to the pandemic.
In addition, the programme also devotes a space to continuing to get to know the Museum's permanent exhibition with special reference to the Huerta de Alicanteto highlight, recognise and recover the enormous value of the heritage of Camp d'Alacant. In this respect, the Didactic Unit of the CV MARQ Foundation has proposed a new option for touring the halls under the diachronic and transversal perspective of l'Horta, together with educational workshops whose themes will be centred on this context.
In addition, for yet another year, schoolchildren will be able to access the Online classroom with MARQ via the website which will offer more than a hundred educational and interactive resources including guides, activities, games and stories for all levels.
The Museum will also host the prize-giving ceremony for the drawing competition. L'Horta d'Alacant, Culture, Heritage and Traditions'.developed during the 17th edition of the Summer at MARQ campaign. The winners were Zoe Martinez and Cayetana Torreswhose drawings illustrate the front and back covers of the Activity Guide. The winners of the 2020 edition will also receive their awards at the same event, Eros Forner and Elena Soria.