The CV-MARQ Foundation and the Bishopric of the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante have formalised a collaboration agreement to develop a museum project on the origins of Christianity in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. The agreement, signed by the first vice-president and deputy for Culture, Julia Parraand the bishop of the diocese, don Jesús Murgui Sorianowill allow the development of a new exhibition proposal within the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art of Orihuela.
Julia Parra explained that "from now on a line of cooperation between the MARQ and the Bishopric of Orihuela-Alicante is opened to promote a new project with great archaeological and pedagogical interest that will allow us to discover a fairly unknown part of our history with resources available to all audiences". The vice-president also pointed out that this project "contributes to enriching the cultural offer of such an important municipality as Orihuela".
For his part, the bishop of the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante thanked the Diputación for its involvement and stressed that the agreement "is intended to promote a room that tries to collect and show the origins of Christianity in our land, given that there is a stage prior to the Reconquest, which includes the Roman, Byzantine and Visigothic eras, which needs to be studied more".
Under the heading Signs of identitythe Orihuela Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art will dedicate one of its rooms to this proposal, which will feature replicas of original pieces, authorised and previously selected by the technical teams of MARQ and the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art. The MARQ Foundation will allocate 30,000 euros to this project, which includes an explanatory audiovisual and other actions related to the use of the room. The documentary will cover the most important historical milestones since the origins of Christianity in our province, among other contents.
For its part, the Bishopric will provide 20,000 euros for the adaptation of the facilities of the exhibition space, as well as posters and signage. The Diocesan Museum has a complete exhibition covering different periods from the Reconquest onwards and, with the collaboration of the MARQ, it will be completed with a space dedicated to paleochristianity from the Hispano-Roman period.