The short film The Salt Kingdom is broadcasted on the American archaeological channel HBS.

The Fundación CV- MARQ has signed a collaboration agreement with the Archaeological Legacy Institute ALI to distribute the documentary film The Salt Kingdom. 7000 years of Hallstatby Domingo Rodes, on the prestigious American platform Heritage Broadcasting Service, HBS or Heritage,

The Salt Kingdom. 7000 years of Hallstatt has received numerous awards at archaeological film festivals around the world, including The Archaeology Channel. International Film and Video Festival-2015, the Arkhaios Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Film Festival also in 2015 and at the II Festival de Cine Arqueológico de Castilla y León in 2017. 

HBS or Heritage is a subscription-based documentary broadcasting channel developed by the Archaeological Legacy Institute (ALI), a non-profit organisation based in Eugene, Oregon, USA.

Founded in 1999, ALI also produces The Archeology Channel, a website created in 2000 that broadcasts interesting free programmes on archaeology and history. The Heritage platform was born with the aim of offering premium content about the history of humanity through high quality audiovisuals. The films broadcast on this specialised channel on the historical and cultural heritage of mankind cover a wide range of topics and have been produced by some of the most innovative storytellers on the current audiovisual scene.