The MARQ is organising open days at the Museum to visit the exhibition on the Etruscans.

As every year, the MARQ will celebrate 9 October, the Day of the Valencian Community, and 12 October, the Day of the Spanish Nationality, with two open daysDuring its usual public opening hours on public holidays, to visit free of charge the international exhibition 'Etruscans. The dawn of Rome'.

The Archaeological Museum of Alicante has programmed these two days in the morning from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to offer the opportunity for all audiences to visit this latest cultural proposal that traces the history of Etruscan civilisation from its origins in the 9th century BC.. until its gradual absorption by the Romans in the 1st century BC..

The First Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraWe wanted to encourage visits to the museum by applying very popular prices and discounts and by organising open days," he said. These are the second since the museum was inaugurated. EtruscansIt is an international exhibition that is well worth seeing and we hope that many people from Alicante and visitors from other places will be encouraged to visit it".

The exhibition, made up of more than 150 original pieces, can be visited in Alicante. until 12 December and is an initiative of the MARQ Foundation and the Superintendence of Archaeological Heritage of the Province of Pisa and Livorno. It includes a selection of original pieces from the National Archaeological Museum of Florence (MAF) and the Etruscan Guarnacci Museum of VolterraThe project, one of the oldest in Italy, involved the Florence-based company Contemporanea Progetti.

Etruscans. The dawn of Rome' is a journey of discovery of the cultural, social, political and urban structure of this Italian civilisation. In the collection you can admire valuable artefacts such as the Orbetello headband or the bracelets from the necropolis of Bisenzio. Also of note are pieces by armament and ceramic material. The most important part, consisting of funerary piecesincludes works such as the Ulysses urns, of the Sirens and the Rape of Proserpina of Volterra or the sarcophagus male from the necropolis of Rosavecchia in Tuscany.