MARQ extends the international exhibition 'Etruscans. The dawn of Rome' until March 2022

The international exhibition Etruscans. The dawn of Rome'. extends its stay at MARQ until next year. month of March. The first vice-president and deputy for culture, Julia Parraconfirmed that the decision had been unanimously endorsed by the Executive Committee of the CV-MARQ Foundation at the last meeting held yesterday afternoon.

Julia Parra explained that the main reason for this extension was "to allow the public to continue visiting this exhibition given the great interest it has aroused, as well as the excellent response, with more than 40,000 visits registered so far, a figure that exceeds all our expectations and confirms that it has been a great success".

In view of this balance of the proposal inaugurated in August, the Executive Committee of the CV-MARQ Foundation has approved the extension of the exhibition period of both Etruscans and 'Etruscan Traces in Alicante' until the end of August. 20 March 2022. The excellent reception of the exhibition has resulted in the purchase, weeks in advance, of all the guided and dramatised tours offered on the Museum's website and on the Instanticket platform, The long queues of visitors that form almost daily to gain access to the museum, as well as the sale of a multitude of souvenirs.

Etruscans. The Dawn of Rome' is made up of 150 pieces from the most important excavations in ancient Etruria and is the largest monographic exhibition on this mysterious culture to be shown in Spain in the last decade. It is an initiative promoted by the Diputación de Alicante, the MARQ Foundation and the Superintendence of Archaeological Heritage of the Province of Pisa and Livorno which includes a selection of original pieces from the National Archaeological Museum of Florence (MAF) and the Etruscan Guarnacci Museum of Volterra.

In the exhibition you can admire valuable objects such as the Orbetello headband or the bracelets from the necropolis of Bisenzio. The part of the exhibition devoted to the world of beliefs, mainly made up of funerary pieces, includes works such as the Ulysses urns, of the Sirens and the Rape of Proserpina of Volterra or the male sarcophagus of the necropolis of Rosavecchia in Tuscany.

In addition, and with the aim of reaching a wider public, the proposal incorporates graphic and didactic material offering audio-visual projections and interactive tools. The original pieces are accompanied by images and explanatory texts based on rigorous scientific documentation. In addition, the MARQ has also set up a web space with images and information on the most important objects and access to advance booking of tickets and guided tours.

At the same time, 'Etruscan Footprints in Alicante' presents a set of 22 pieces that show the imprint of this ancient Italic culture in our territory. and reveal the importance of rituals related to goldsmithery and wine in the Iberian period, including objects from MARQ and the municipal museums of Xàbia, La Vila Joiosa and Guardamar del Segura.

Visits to the Etruscans can be made freely or in groups. Advance booking recommended from the link Due to the current capacity restrictions imposed by health authoritiesThe maximum number of people per room is 60, and guided groups are limited to a maximum of 15, with the following distances marked itineraries and the obligatory use of masks.