MARQ opens the travelling exhibition 'Guardians of Stone' at the Dámaso Navarro Museum in Petrer

The vice-president and deputy for Culture, Julia Parra, stressed the importance of the exhibition being able to be visited in the municipality where one of Alicante's main fortresses is located.

The exhibition of the MARQ 'Guardians of Stone. The Castles of Alicante'. can now be visited at the Dámaso Navarro Museum in PetrerThe exhibition was presented this morning and will remain on display until next September. The exhibition, which is intended to be itinerant, provides access to the important catalogue of defensive works located in the province.

Thanks to the interest shown by the Petrer Town Council and the Municipal Archaeological MuseumThe proposal has landed in this municipality, one of the most distinguished in recent years for its firm commitment to culture and heritage. In addition, the exhibition also counts on the collaboration of the Banco Sabadell Foundation, ONCE and the Fesord Foundation.

The First Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraShe celebrated "the fact that this exhibition can be visited from today in Petrer, a town where one of our main fortresses is located, which is a reference point for castellological research in Alicante and Valencia". The head of Culture has invited the public to visit the exhibition and thanked the collaboration of the City of Petrer and the Archaeological Museum.




          The proposal includes a careful selection of 84 fortifications distributed throughout the province, structured in five routes that run from north to south: The Castles of the Inner Bordercentred in the Vinalopó Valley with the historic border line between the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile; The Mountain CastlesThe feudal lords' residences were located in the regions of L'Alcoià and El Comtat, with the large residences of the feudal lords; The Castles of the Border of Fear with the defences of Las Marinas de Alicante against attacks by the Barbary corsairs; La Clau del Regnecontextualised in the Alacantí region; and The Castles of Tudmir in clear reference to the existing fortifications in La Vega Baja.


The exhibition also includes images of some of the most emblematic castles, where the following are shown historical figures linked to each region. In addition, its design has taken into account new technologies to bring its contents closer to all audiences, and includes a model of the province with fortifications made in 3D, where the castle of Petrer appears significantly as one of the most important fortresses in Alicante's territory..  


In addition, a major effort has been made to generate a greater accessibility and better use of the visit for all groups. Through the use of QR codes It is possible to expand the information on each fortification and, above all, for the visually and hearing impaired, it incorporates adapted elements that improve the comprehension of the sample such as supports and embossed QR codes that provide access to an online audio guide.