Julia Parra, the deputy for Culture, stresses that the proposals have been adapted to allow the participation of children of different ages.
One more year, the Archaeological Museum of Alicante has programmed a complete calendar of theatre and workshops focused on children during the Christmas holidays. In addition, the MARQ will have a batıkent veteriner space at the IFA children's and youth leisure fair, Exponadal .
The vice president and deputy for Culture, Julia Parra has detailed that "the proposal, aimed at the little ones, begins this week with the intention of offering fun and entertainment through content of an educational nature adapted to allow the participation of children of different ages, guaranteeing at all times that the current safety and health measures are complied with".
This year the Didactics Unit of the MARQ Foundation, together with the Department of Culture, has programmed the following events five educational workshops -from 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. - dedicated to the little ones from between 6 and 12 years old. This thursday 23rd december will take place, with all the details to learn how to elaborate a Christmas cardand will continue next week on 28 'Snowy landscape, 29 'Roman Saturnalian garland'. and 30 with 'Christmas tree ornament'.. Already in January, the tuesday 4In the last of the workshops, the participants will learn to to make a Christmas stained glass window with the Three Wise Men and the star motif.. Registration for these activities can be made at the museum's ticket offices on the day of the activity, which will take place in the museum. Capacity is limited to fifteen participants.
Also next week, the following have been organised three theatre sessionsfrom 12:00 to 13:00, on the 28th, 29th and 30th, with the following works A nice gift for Christmas from Taranna Teatre, Magic Christmas from Dalux Wizard and Removable story from On the other side of the plotrespectively. Also at the fair Exponadal -to be held from 27 to 30 December and from 2 to 4 January at the Institución Ferial Alicantina- the MARQ will have its own space where games, entertainment and workshops will be held to promote the didactic offer of the museum and its sites. In this edition, specific workshops will be held around the temporary exhibition 'Etruscans, the Dawn of Rome' .