The Sala Noble of the MARQ Library hosted a training day on the socio-economic reality of tourism companies with the participation of 15 students from the prestigious Universidade do Vale do Itajai in Brazil (UNIVALI), who are currently teaching the Master's Degree in Business Management at the UA.
The students, accompanied by UNAVALI professor of International Business Dinora Eliete Floirani and professor José Luis Gasco had the opportunity to broaden their knowledge about residential tourism, sun and beach tourism, mountain tourism and also to learn about the importance of cultural tourism as a socio-economic driver. José Alberto Cortés, managing director of the CV-MARQ Foundation, was in charge of explaining to the students the example of the MARQ and its extensive experience in top-level international exhibitions, and of the coastal and inland sites and monuments that the museum manages as a dynamic element of tourism in the province of Alicante.
The young Brazilians ended their day at MARQ with a guided tour of both the permanent collection and the exhibition. Etruscans. The Dawn of RomeThe exhibition, which has already received more than 60,000 visits since its inauguration on 26 August, will remain at MARQ until 20 March.