Alicante's museums and cultural centres unite once again to celebrate White Night on Friday 21


Alicante's museums and cultural centres are once again coming together to celebrate the Noche en Blanco (White Night) on Friday 21 June. The City Council, the Provincial Council, The Ocean Race Museum, the University and Aguas de Alicante propose an extensive programme of activities including guided tours, family workshops, music, film screenings and conferences for all tastes and ages. 


The MACA, Las Cigarreras and the Exhibition Hall of the Lonja del Pescado (on behalf of the City Council), the MUBAG, the MARQ and the Instituto de Cultura alicantino Juan Gil Albert (on behalf of the Provincial Council), the University Museum, the Water Museum and The Ocean Race Museum, after the good reception of previous editions, are expecting a large number of visitors during the night of Friday 21st.


The Councillor for Culture, Nayma Beldjilali, pointed out that "it is excellent news that the Noche en Blanco can continue to be held for another year, and that the public continues to respond so positively to each edition. We are convinced and we will work in this direction so that, in future editions, the Noche en Blanco will open up to the city, and more institutions and cultural spaces will take part". 


The deputy for Culture, Juan de Dios Navarro, stressed that "with the programme prepared this year to celebrate the Noche en Blanco we wanted to offer attractive proposals for all audiences from the cultural centres of the Provincial Council with the aim of bringing the museums closer to the citizens and providing them with opportunities for learning, entertainment and access to culture as a universal value".


The Vice-Rector for Culture, Sport and University Extension of the UA, Catalina Iliescu, says that "La Nit en Blanc is an exceptional opportunity to expand the cultural and leisure offerings of our cultural spaces. The Museum of the University of Alicante (MUA) has designed a programme where the university musical talent meets the most contemporary art, with a concert of our emerging UA bands and an evening guided tour of the UA facilities in connection with our exhibition "After the UA".


Martín Sanz, Director of Communication and Institutional Relations at Aguas de Alicante, emphasised that "As a result of joint work and collaboration between all the museums in the city of Alicante, the result is a full programme of activities for the enjoyment of citizens to commemorate this White Night of Alicante's museums. Beyond its objective of raising environmental awareness about water, the Museo de Aguas de Alicante is a benchmark space for hosting all kinds of cultural projects promoted by the company, in collaboration with different organisations and institutions, and open to the enjoyment of all citizens".


The head of The Ocean Race Museum, Jan Perez has indicated that ".With the first edition of The Ocean Race having ended on 2 July, we are delighted to be able to share with all visitors to the museum all the new features of this edition: a new class of boats - IMOCA Class, a new sustainability zone for the protection of the oceans, and a new painting and dance show that will tour the museum, a reflection on the relationship between humans and the ocean".



  • The Cigarreras

Cinema from the back at 22:00. The secret of the pyramid. Year 1985. 104 min. Not recommended for children under 7. The Secret of the Pyramid boasted excellent visual effects for the time and became a benchmark in this field.


Exhibition Art Contemporani de la Generalitat Valenciana V, produced by the Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana. This exhibition brings together the 19 works acquired by the Generalitat in 2021, in what is the fifth campaign of this initiative that was born in 2017 with the aim of bringing together a collection of pieces representative of the current artistic scene in our Comunitat that contributes to the revitalisation of the contemporary art sector. Until 11pm.


A Cinquito, with the right to touch. This film, shot sometime in the spring of 1980, reflects on the normalisation of violence through the construction of otherness. Through the audiovisual medium, installation and performance, nucbeade constructs and rescues narratives outside the hegemonic historiography.


In collaboration with: Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana and organised by: Todo Bien and Centro Cultural Las Cigarreras. Until 11 pm.


  • The Juan Gil Albert Institute of Culture of Alicante

Programme from 17:30 to 20:30 at the Centro Municipal de las Artes, a physical theatre workshop for all audiences. Elemental Teatre, from the universe of psychology and physical theatre, is organising a workshop of exploration and group scenic creation for the recreation of stories told from different sensory languages. Do you dare to play the games of a lifetime, but changing the rules? The workshop will be given by Elena Brufal, with the support of Laura Tendero. 


  • MACA

19:30 to 22:00. Participatory workshop "Palabras en blanco", a creative workshop that will immerse you in the fascinating world of words and the colour white. In this space open to the public, we invite you to explore the power of written language and to interpret it in surprising and visual ways.


Idea and realisation: Extraradio.


19:30h. New narratives. Juan Antonio Roche talks to Pepe Calvo.

Cycle of meetings between visual arts specialists and artists whose work is represented in the museum's collections. 


Coordination: Isabel Tejeda.


21:00. OP Theater. OP Theater. Campus Escénico is a proposal for collective stage creation aimed at teenagers and young people from 13 to 20 years of age in collaboration with the Youth Council. The contemporary theatre exhibition will take place in the museum, with the collective creation inspired by the life and work of Eusebio Sempere. 


Idea and production: Ambulantes Lab.


22:30h. HIPERCANON, Concert-workshop of Graphic Music. In a certain field of contemporary music, scores have gone from having an eminently functional character, being a code established between composer and performer, to following a gradual process of flexibility, gaining in subjectivity, to sometimes becoming artistic objects in themselves.


We invite you to take part in this concert and workshop on musical graphics, which is located on the border between visual art and sound art! 


Idea, coordination and realisation: Carlos Izquierdo


The Museum will be open until midnight.

  • MARQ

The MARQ has deployed an extensive calendar of activities that starts with an open day from 16:00 to 00:00. The museum gardens will be the setting for a dramatisation in which the characters Yan and Ting will offer an entertaining explanation of the exhibition of the Warriors of Xi'an, from 8pm to 9pm, and from 7pm to 10pm, visitors will also be able to make a bookmark with their Chinese horoscope or take a photo at the photocall to upload it to social networks.


Also in the gardens will take place the proposal 'En la Nit en Blanc dibuixa els Guerrers de Xi'an', a drawing competition related to the famous terracotta sculptures, which make up the last temporary exhibition of the MARQ. The winning entry will receive a set of articles and educational material related to the exhibition.


The museum's Aula Didáctica has also prepared two workshops for children: 'Draw and colour your own warrior of Xi'an' -from 7pm to 8pm- and 'Lights of the Han Dynasty' -from 8pm to 9pm-. Participation in these activities is recommended for children from 6 to 12 years old and prior registration is required by calling 965 149 000 or at the museum's ticket offices.

  • MUA 

It will celebrate the Nit en Blanc dels Museus with two proposals that disseminate university musical talent and reflect on the past, present and future history of the UA.


21 h: Concert of Emerging Bands of the UA. 


Extensores Automáticos is a music group that draws from various subgenres of rock, especially ska, punk-rock, reggae and rap. Their lyrics are in both Valencian and Spanish and refer to current social issues. 

The break, is a band formed by 6 friends from the University of Alicante who got together to play indie-rock music, with a touch of punk. Their songs in Spanish and English are reminiscent of bands like Strokes, Artic Monkeys and 1975.


22:30 h / 23:15 h: Guided tours of the UA campus facilities With prior registration.

The multi-sensory exhibition "After the UA" will be the framework in which to reflect on possible future changes in the way of understanding the ecosystem that makes up the University of Alicante. The nocturnal visit will allow visitors to get to know little-travelled corners of the campus.


The Museum will be open until midnight.



It will celebrate the Noche en Blanco with a full programme aimed at all audiences and extending its opening hours by four hours, from 19:00 to 24:00. The educational workshop 'Crossed Gazes' will offer the youngest visitors - from 19:00 to 20:30 - the opportunity to interpret an artist's studio and draw an imaginary work inspired by real artists' studios in the exhibition 'The 19th century. The collection in the light''.

Music will also be present at the MUBAG with the composer Benjamin Sun and a repertoire of piano pieces related to the works of 'Art as inspiration. The Sara Navarro Collection'. The proposal, which will begin at 21:00, includes a second part dedicated to improvisation with the participation of the audience. In addition, at 22:15 and 23:15 there will be two performances of the theatre show 'Noche de subastas' by the company Ambulantes lab. Places for this activity are limited and registration can be made through the museum's website.


The Museum will be open until midnight.


  • Water Museum

Concert at 8.30pm by `Road Volta ́, a group formed at the end of 2014 with musicians from the Alicante scene of the 90s and who have shared the stage with names such as Loquillo, Los Zigarros, Pistones and Immaculate Fools. 

In addition, the Museo de Aguas de Alicante will extend its opening hours for this commemoration, welcoming visitors to its facilities until midnight. 


The Museum will be open until midnight.

  • The Ocean Race Museum

Free guided tours with a visit to Brazil 1. Discover all the secrets of the round the world sailing trip with our specialised guides. The tour includes a visit to the interior of the competition boat Brasil 1, a VO70 model that took part in the 2005-2006 edition of the Round the World Sailing Race.



11.30h / 17.00h Guided tour in English

12.30h/ 18.00h Guided tour in Spanish

Regatta simulator : The Ride. Enjoy the experience of living the regatta as a crew member through our virtual simulator to feel the sailing at more than 30 knots.

Timetables: 12:20h, 12:40h, 13:00h, 15:20h, 15:40h, 16:00h, 17:20h, 17:40h.

Conectados. Dance and painting show at 9 pm. Until seating capacity is reached. This is a portrait of a contemporary dance piece where painting, dance, acrobatics and physical theatre come together to create a scenic language without text.


The museum will remain open until 10 pm.


  • Exhibition hall of the Lonja del Pescado


20:30 h. Guided tours of the exhibitions "Transitar lo invisible" by Ignacio Llamas, "Arte con neuronas" by Pierre d'Argyll and "Conversión en el tiempo". Josep Renau/Pepe Calvo

22 h. "El patio encendido". More than 1,000 candles will light up the outdoor patio creating a beautiful atmosphere to enjoy the concert of the singer-songwriter Raúl Abreu.

The Museum will be open until midnight.

Joint website

The museums have a website that shows the identity of each one of them and concentrates the activity carried out by all the institutions in a single space, providing all the agents related to the dissemination of culture and tourism in Alicante with a single tool to show content related to art, culture and heritage.

The address is and here you can find all the information about the programmes of all the participating museums and centres.