The MARQ brings together for the first time three of the most important pieces of Portuguese archaeology in the exhibition "The Atlantic Warrior".


The Archaeological Museum of Alicante premieres the new international exhibition "The Atlantic Warrior: Symbols of Power?" organised in collaboration with the National Museum of Archaeology of Portugal, coinciding with International Museum Day. The exhibition, inaugurated by the first vice-president and deputy for Culture, Julia Parrabrings together for the first time a collection of three pieces declared National Treasures of Portugal which will be on display for the first time until 23 October in the Sala Noble of the Alicante museum's Library.

Julia Parra has celebrated "the new exhibition of international interest that will make available to all visitors an outstanding selection of objects of great value that premieres here at MARQ, the result of the important and fruitful collaboration project with the National Museum of Archaeology of Portugal and under the curatorship of director, Antonio Carvalho". Of this exhibition, the deputy emphasised that "it reveals one of the indigenous civilisations that populated the northwest of the peninsula at the time of Roman rule through three unique objects that retrace its history".

The Head of Culture has confirmed the holding of three open days on the occasion of the IWD which will take place today and next weekend, with extended opening hours that will be extended on Saturday until 22:00 hours. Julia Parra has invited the people of Alicante and visitors to come to the MARQ and all the museums and cultural centres of the Provincial Council "to enjoy an extensive programme of activities and significant exhibitions such as "The Museum of the City of Alicante" and "The Museum of the City of Alicante".Gladiators. Heroes of the Coliseum". and the "Atlantic Warrior".

Representing the director of the Portuguese museum, the museologist-head of the Inventory and Collections Department, Patricia Santos BatistaCarvalho's words, who acknowledged the prestige of the MARQ "as a reference in museology and archaeological research in Spain and the Iberian Peninsula" and the solid relationship established from the exhibition "Idols" and the exhibition in Lisbon of the 'Bronze Hand of Lucentum'.

They also pointed out the relevance of the exhibition projects developed jointly by the director of the MARQ, Manuel Olcinaand the managing director of the MARQ Foundation, José Alberto Cortésduring the presentation ceremony in which he also participated José Manuel Fuentes Cortésrepresenting the Banco Sabadell Foundation, who recognised the MARQ "as a point of reference in Alicante and the Valencian Community".

"The Atlantic Warrior: Symbols of Power? about the The visitor will be able to see the castreño communities that arose in the late Bronze Age, between the end of the 9th and beginning of the 8th centuries BC, driven by an exceptional boom in metallurgical activity in Europe. However, the Gaulish warriors, also represented in the MARQ exhibition, belong to a modern sculptural traditionThe Romanisation of the Iberian Peninsula, around the 1st century AD, was linked to a strong Romanisation process in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula..

Forman part of the archaeological ensemble on display the famous Galaic Warrior of Castro Outeiro de Lezenho; a Verraco sculpture in granite, from Olival dos Berrões, in Cabanas de Baixo; and the extraordinary Vilas Boas Torque (Cabeço de Nossa Senhora do Assunção), which is being exhibited for the first time to the public outside the MNA in Portugal, an international first. 

The piece Torques de Vilas Boas en one of the pieces with the highest quantity of gold in all of recent European prehistory.. A unique jewel similar to a necklace or prestige object associated with the elites within the Castro culture. Also known as the Torques das Tamancas, it was found in 1965 on the southern slope of Cabeço de Nossa Senhora do Assunção. It is made entirely of gold, and belongs to the type of torques known as 'double-clefted', which was widespread in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula in pre-Roman times.

The exhibition proposal incorporates graphic and didactic material developed with the participation and advice of the CRE ONCE-Alicante and the FESORD Foundation. IIt also includes audio-visual projections and modern interactive tools and a catalogue detailing the historical and heritage value of the of the exhibition. The exhibition project has been made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Banco Sabadell Foundation.

Julia Parra thanked the Museum of National Archaeology of Portugal, the Directorate General of Museums, the Portuguese Ministry of Culture and the Portuguese Embassy in Spain for their contribution and support. "Culture unites us and thanks to this common objective it has been possible to see this unique collection in Alicante, with pieces brought together for the first time in the same exhibition", she remarked.

The access to 'The Atlantic Warrior' during Thursday 18, Saturday 21 and on Sunday 22 May will be free of charge and open to the public until full capacity is reached, coinciding with the opening hours of the Museum on these days of celebration of the DIM-2022.