The MARQ launches a pioneering initiative in Spain to implement the concept of a night museum

The Archaeological Museum of the Diputación de Alicante (Alicante Provincial Council) (MARQ) will implement from tomorrow, 1st July, a new timetable to allow, for the first time, to receive visitors from the 10:00 until 23:00 hours. This was announced by the vice-president and deputy for culture, Julia ParraHe explained that "until 18 September, that is, during the busiest tourist months, the facilities will remain open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday and uninterrupted".

As the provincial director explained, the aim is "to offer the possibility of enjoying our MARQ by day and by night, reviving the concept of the night museum as a pioneering experience in Spain and very possibly in a wider context, as we are not aware that such a project has been set up in other museums of similar characteristics in Europe".

Julia Parra pointed out that the proposal is especially relevant in one of the country's leading tourist areas. "It is an additional attraction for our visitors, even more so in the context of the joint work that we are carrying out between the administrations and the tourism sector to offer unique initiatives that add a plus," she said.

In this sense, the deputy assured that this measure "sets the province of Alicante apart because, in the recovery process we are going through, everything adds up, and culture is, without a doubt, a fundamental element". The new timetables that daily opening period extended to thirteen hours In addition, according to Julia Parra, "they are fully compatible with other types of tourism, such as sun and beach tourism, and a nod to the hotel and catering sector; in this way we are making it easy for the people of Alicante and our visitors to come to the MARQ, this cultural jewel of which we are so proud".

With the unanimous support of the MARQ Foundation Board of TrusteesThe opening hours from 10:00 to 23:00 will apply from tomorrow at the museum. In the sites and monuments the summer opening hours will be from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 18:00 to 21:00.The restaurant closes at midday to avoid the hours of maximum exposure to the sun.

Also this week, the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees of the MARQ Foundation have approved the summer programme of activities. The deputy for Culture has highlighted the actions that will be developed for complement the international exhibition 'Gladiators. Heroes of the Coliseum'.which leaves the museum to develop a wide-ranging programme at street level, both in the gardens of the Museum and in the archaeological site of Lucentum, by the Hispania Romana Association.

The eight performances will begin on 16 July and will continue until October, with recreations and activities to raise awareness of the Classical Roman period, including wrestling shows. To attend, it will be necessary to book a place on the MARQ website or by calling the telephone numbers provided.

The presentation of these novelties in the Diputación's museum was also attended by the director of the MARQ, Manuel Olcinathe managing director of the CV-MARQ Foundation, José Alberto Cortésand the representative of Hispania Romana, José Lloret. As Julia Parra pointed out, for this summer, "the MARQ has prepared activities for all audiences that aim to bring culture closer to the people of Alicante and to all those who visit us so that they can enjoy the MARQ, its archaeological sites, monuments and magnificent international exhibitions such as "Gladiators. Heroes of the Coliseum", which has already attracted more than 30,000 visitors since it opened on 13 April".