The campaign 'Summer at MARQ 2022' kicks off tomorrow, Monday, for the 18th consecutive year, matching with the introduction of daylight saving time both in the museum as well as in the sites and monuments of the province.. The proposal of this edition will revolve around around the international exhibition 'Gladiators. Heroes of the Coliseum' and to the exhibition 'The Atlantic Warrioron the castreña culture.
The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia Parrapointed out that "...the MARQ's Didactics team has prepared a programme that covers some of the main episodes of the Roman period to encourage children's interest in our history and love of archaeology in a fun way with a wide variety of adapted activities.".
From Monday 4 July and over a period of eight weeks, from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.the Alicante museum will deploy an extensive calendar of activities focused on the children from 6 to 14 years old and with a general tariff of 40 euros per week and participant. Places are limited to forty children per week, divided into two groups, and the agreement with BARQ has been maintained to offer an economical menu, apart from the registration fee. The reservation of places may be made in the MARQ ticket offices or through instanticket. All information can be found at
The programme organised by the CV MARQ Foundation This edition is aimed at familiarising children with the gladiatorial environment, providing them with all the information about these historic fighters and their mass spectacles. In addition, through games and workshops, those attending will be able to learn about the latest historical and archaeological contributions of the genre, as well as details of the architecture and structures of the buildings, among other curiosities of the period. The activities will take place inside the museum with visits to the rooms, educational classrooms and assembly hall, and in the MARQ gardens.
The MARQ's summer campaigns have as their main objective facilitating access to cultureThe aim of the project is to encourage teamwork and cooperation among peers and to show young participants the importance of valuing and protecting the environment. historical, cultural, environmental and archaeological heritage of the province.