This year the winner of the MARQ Foundation's Educational Projects was the 4th year students of Latin from the María Blasco Secondary School in San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante), with their project "Photodomus. Mercatorum Rete".
The project that the students developed was in the category of "aMARQdrina un yacimiento", and the one they chose was Lucentum. The main objective of the MARQ Foundation's Educational Projects is to interest schoolchildren in the archaeological sites that form part of the MARQ, encouraging them to care for and value our local heritage.
During the whole school year 2021/22 the students of 4th ESO of the IES María Blasco of S. Vicente del Raspeig, together with their teachers Natalia Santiago and Susana Dubois, have been documenting and researching about the site of Lucentum as well as visiting it, coming to the Museum to visit the Sala de Roma and doing the workshop "Discovering our ancestors", in which they learned about the method of archaeological excavation. They researched the past and present of the site: what the ancient sources said, who had studied it and what they had found out, what happened to Lucentum from the 17th century to the present day, how it had become the visitable site it is today, etc.
Once they got to know the site, the aim of their project was to sell a domus in Lucentum, for which they prepared a script, dressed up in period costumes and staged a short film ... in Latin, which finally won the prize in this edition.
This work strengthens the link that unites MARQ with schools and, in general, with the general public. Helping us to expand our links with archaeology, as a discipline involved in the knowledge of the past, and with our extraordinary heritage. Thanks to projects such as this one, curiosity and interest are aroused and it is a tool that contributes in a generic way to the development of the different areas of the curriculum.
For this reason, the MARQ Foundation can only congratulate the students and teachers who have been awarded this prize.