The Almudaina Tower celebrates the XIII anniversary of its opening to the public with an open day

The C.V. MARQ Foundation has organised a special programming to commemorate the thirteenth anniversary of the opening to the public of the Almohad Tower of Almudaina. To celebrate this event, this coming Sunday 14 August the fortress can be visited free of chargeThe exhibition will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., with prior registration. There will also be a guided tour, also free of charge, at 11:00.

People wishing to enjoy this cultural proposal can sign up or find out more information through the website of the Archaeological Museum of the Diputación de la Diputación

The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraThe aim of this open day promoted by the MARQ is to raise awareness of a unique enclave of great archaeological value and, furthermore, to contribute to boosting activity in this town and its region, showing its cultural and scenic wealth," he explained.

The Almudaina Almohad Tower could be visited for the first time on 14th August 2009. It is recognised as a Bien de Interés Cultural con categoría de monumento (Property of Cultural Interest with the category of monument) which introduces the visitor to the knowledge and enjoyment of its architecture and history. The enclave, dating from the Islamic period, formed part of the fortified enclosure of the existing small farmhouse, known as 'al-Mudayyina'. and the origin of the current name of the town located in the Alicante region of El Comtat, 587 metres above sea level.

The history of the agricultural municipality, populated by more than a hundred inhabitants, is linked to this Almohad Islamic tower erected at an undetermined time in the first half of the 13th century to defend its farmstead at the gates of the Christian conquest.