MARQ concludes excavations in Pobla de Ifach with the discovery of a new 30-metre section of wall

The Archaeological Museum of the Diputación de Alicante (Alicante Provincial Council) (MARQ) has concluded the summer archaeological work on the Medieval town of Ifachin Calpwith new findings. The archaeologist José Luis Menéndezwho heads the work team, has confirmed that the work carried out this year in the western part of the site has led to the discovery of 30 metres of new wall which will contribute to a better understanding of the construction process in this sector of the ancient city.

The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraParra stated "the importance of continuing to support the archaeological research carried out by the MARQ in this exceptional medieval enclave in order to deepen our knowledge of our history". Parra also thanked the team for "their hard work, thanks to which, after a two-year break due to the pandemic, they have managed to bring to light outstanding contributions to archaeological research".

In the works in the Medieval Pobla de Ifach, carried out in collaboration with the Calp Town Hall and the Penyal d'Ifach Natural ParkIn addition to the opening of a new section of the wall, it has been possible to confirm the existence of constructions inside the village. in the western sector, a discovery that opens the door to the location of new buildings in the medieval city in the coming years.

Archaeologists have continued with the exhumation of the collapsed wall in the vicinity of the West Gate. The cleaning has made it possible to discovery of the entrance arch to the cityThis will make it possible to reconstruct the gateway to the town as part of the restoration work that will be carried out in conjunction with the Department of Architecture of the Alicante Provincial Council.

Excavation of five new tombs

As part of the site's preventive conservation programme, work has continued on the cimiterium de Ifach, the burial place of the inhabitants of the town. The following have been documented five new graves discovered in the 2020 campaign, with three males, an adult female and an infant, in a good state of preservation. They were found in the supine decubitus position, with their arms intertwined and without any grave goods, but with clothing. With the latter, the list of bodies buried in this area of Ifach exceeds one hundred people found. The following have also been found remains of the coffins funerary.

In parallel to the archaeological research work, the excavation team has begun a programme to remove the rubble of the hotel that existed on the remains of the Pobla de Ifach. With this intervention, financed by the Diputación de Alicante, the purpose is to gain access to a 40-metre stretch of wall where they can be located two defensive towers and to new buildings that made up the urban structure of this medieval town.