MARQ reaches record numbers this summer with more than 43,000 registered visits from all continents

The Archaeological Museum of Alicante has concluded its special summer timetable with 43,524 visits recorded since implementation began on 1 July until Sunday 18 September. The figures confirm the recovery of the pre-pandemic rates and put the number of people living with HIV/AIDS in the EU at summer of 2022 as one of the best of the last decadeThe number of people who passed through the cultural centre of the Diputación de Alicante.

Since 2013, the museum has received a average of 21,500 visitors in July and Augustrecord that This year it has been far exceeded, with close to 35,000 users13,500 more than the average. Also noteworthy is the reception of people of nationalities from all continents, mainly Spaniards - who represent more than 80% -, but also during this year there has been a notable presence of citizens from other European states, especially Great Britain, France, Italy and Nordic and Eastern countries, as well as tourists from America, Oceania and Asia.

The First Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia Parrasaid that "these figures are evidence of the success of the exhibition 'Gladiators. Heroes of the Coliseum', which has become one of the MARQ's favourite exhibitions in recent years". The provincial director recalled that one of the measures taken to facilitate greater public access has been "the introduction of exceptional summer opening hours, until 23:00 hours non-stop, with which we wanted to introduce the concept of a night museum".

MARQ's main temporary exhibition, organised in conjunction with the Colosseum in Rome and, together with eight Italian museums, it has received a total of 73,959 people since it opened on 13 April. The museum is also hosting another important international exhibition, "The Atlantic Warrior, with three unique pieces declared national treasures of Portugal that have been brought together for the first time to be exhibited in Alicante, where they will remain until 23 October. From today, both collections can be visited during winter opening hours, from 10:00 to 19:00.

The summer programme has been completed this year with complementary activities. to the "Gladiators" exhibition, including the summer school, in which 1,152 children took part, dramatised guided tours, conferences, workshops and re-enactments of fights held both at the MARQ and at the Lucentum archaeological site, organised by the Hispania Romana Association. The representations in Lucentum will be prolonged until Saturday 22 October and a round table will be held on 1 October. dedicated to historical re-enactment organisations in Spain in the museum's auditorium.

Julia Parra assured that "with this wide range of activities we have managed to open up the museum to audiences of all ages, also taking into account accessibility criteria so that any citizen can easily understand the contents".