The exhibition Gladiators of the MARQ extends its stay in Alicante by one month, until 20 November.



The international exhibition Gladiators. Heroes of the Coliseum'. will extend its stay at MARQ until next year. 20 November before the excellent public responsewhich has exceeded all expectations, reaching, as of today, a total of 80,145 visitors. In addition, and to commemorate the festivities of 9 d'Octubre and Pilar, the museum has organised a series of events to commemorate open days.

The First Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia Parraconfirmed that the decision had been unanimously endorsed by the Executive Committee of the CV-MARQ Foundation at the last meeting held yesterday and celebrated the fact that "the 80,000 visits received by this successful international exhibition, which is an example of collaboration and understanding between countries in favour of the implementation of cultural initiatives of great interest, have already been exceeded".

The extraordinary response to the exhibition, which opened on 13 April last, has resulted in the purchase, weeks in advanceThe MARQ will also be the venue for all the guided and dramatised tours offered on the MARQ website and on the Instanticket platform, including the weekend of 15 and 16 October, the initially scheduled closing date.

The collection assembled at MARQ around the figure of the gladiators is the result of collaboration with some of the most important cultural institutions and museums in Italy, such as the Archaeological Park of the Colosseum in Romethe National Archaeological Museum of Naplesthe National Archaeological Museum of Romethe Archaeological Park of Paestum and Veliathe Archaeological Park of the Roman Amphitheatre and Antiquarium "Alda Levi" in Milanthe National Archaeological Museum of Aquileiathe Civic Museum of Rieti and the Sopraintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio of Bologna.

Gladiators. Heroes of the Colosseum' has incorporated a wide-ranging programme of complementary activitiesamong which the following have stood out summer school1,152 children participated, guided tours, dramatised theatre performances, conferences, workshops and re-enactments of strugglesThese performances will be held both in the MARQ Gardens and at the Lucentum archaeological site, organised by the Hispania Romana Association. Precisely these performances will also continue until next Saturday 22nd October at Lucentum.

Visits to Gladiators can be made freely or in groups and prior booking is recommended, through the website of the Gladiators. MARQ, from the link

Also, today, Thursday 6 October, in morning and afternoon sessions, MARQ is hosting an exhibition at its facilities. Spanish-Italian Conference Day with the participation of leading experts from Spain and Italy who study the history of Rome and, in particular, the Gladiatura and the monumental architecture of amphitheatres and coliseums in antiquity.


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