The MARQ Library launches a new space on its website with a collection of over 41,000 volumes

The Library of the Archaeological Museum of the Diputación de Alicante (Alicante Provincial Council) has released a new space on its website to make the collection more visible and closer to 41,426 volumes that it holds in its collections. Among the bibliographic references that can be consulted telematically are monographs, serial publications, audiovisuals and a digital collection, the latter with downloadable content.

The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraHe stressed that "this new advance in the digitisation process undertaken at MARQ will allow us to give greater projection to its library collections and reach the public all over the world in an easy, accessible and free way, which also represents an important step on the path towards the internationalisation of the museum that we began a few years ago and which is being successfully consolidated".

With this new digital space of its bibliographic collection, the MARQ joins in the celebration of the International Libraries DayThe event, promoted by the Directorate General for Books and the Promotion of Reading, will be commemorated around the world on Monday, 24 October, under the motto "BiblioTEcuida".. The aim of this edition is to highlight the role of these cultural centres as free and open spaces to care for and attend to the needs of citizens.

The MARQ Library, which has 14 reading places and access to the wifi networkis a support for training and learning, as well as an essential aid for teachers, students, researchers or anyone interested in broadening their knowledge. From December 2021, this space will be part of the map of specialised libraries in the Library Cooperation Council and, as such, is listed in the Directory of Spanish Libraries of the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport. This important area of the museum is now completed with a digital catalogue which can be accessed via the following link: