The Alicante Provincial Council has driven the biggest transformation in the last decade to expand and consolidate the museum space of the site of the Tossal de Manises. The project, developed in the sectors of the eastern gate and the sea gate of Lucentum, is an initiative of the MARQ and the area of Architecture in which, over the last few years, a total of more than 360,000 euros has been invested. This was confirmed by the vice-president and the head of Culture, Julia Parraand the Head of Architecture, Jose Ramón González de Zárate.
Julia Parra explained that "with this important joint action to recover the area around the sea gate and the eastern gate, the visitable area of one of the most important Roman cities in the Valencian Community will be increased by approximately 600 square metres, which means an increase of 5% of the surface area available to the public". The vice-president pointed out that the work has an impact "on the protection, conservation and enhancement of this area and also on facilitating the understanding of the findings, an essential task to fulfil our mission of promoting a more accessible culture aimed at a wide public".
During a visit to the enclave this morning, García-Zárate pointed out that the project, awarded to the joint venture made up of the companies Alebus Patrimonio Histórico and Signia Soluciones Técnicas, is one of the major commitments of the Architecture area. "With an amount of 259,000 euros, these works constitute the largest investment in museum operations that have been undertaken at this site in the last ten years," said the deputy, who also confirmed that the improvements, which began in May, are expected to be completed in two months.
González de Zárate pointed out the importance of the collaboration between the MARQ and Arquitectura "to continue working on one of the heritage jewels of the province and to contribute to supporting cultural tourism, an offer on which the Provincial Council has made a strong commitment in recent times". In this sense, the deputy has called for the efforts of other administrations, such as the Generalitat Valenciana, "to financially support the municipalities and contribute to recovering, maintaining and promoting the rich cultural legacy they treasure".
As far as MARQ is concerned, the deputy for Culture explained that around 100,000 euros have been allocated to the excavations carried out in recent years at the Tossal archaeological site. "To this must be added the human resources employed in the annual campaigns, with around 50 people involved between archaeologists and volunteer collaborators," she pointed out.
The project of consolidation and museumisation of structures in the sectors of the eastern gate and the sea gate of Lucentum has been drafted by the provincial technicians in charge of the conservation of the archaeological park, the director of the area of Architecture, Rafael Pérezand the archaeologist and director of MARQ Manuel Olcina.
The investment will allow incorporate 600 square metres of museum space. The project has been completed using 1,100 square metres of geotextile fabric to separate the original old surfaces from the new materials that have been incorporated. In the case of the Puerta Marina, the use of bateig stone masonry for the volumetric reconstruction of the old urban access is noteworthy. Elements have also been placed external date and orientation indicators of protection and reconstruction interventions.