The MARQ Foundation and the Fontcalent Penitentiary Centre in Alicante start the 4th edition of Returning with a new story.

The MARQ launches the fourth edition of the Return with a new story programmewhich began this month as part of the collaboration agreement between the Fundación CV MARQ and the Foncalent Penitentiary Centre in Alicante. The purpose of the initiative is to bring the women and men in prison closer to the knowledge of the history of Alicante treasured in the Provincial Archaeological Museum and to turn the time of imprisonment into a stage in which to acquire new skills, experience, knowledge and ideas.

The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraThe proposal is undoubtedly an opportunity for the MARQ to contribute to completing the prison's training programme with workshops, visits and cultural content of great interest that will be given by specialised staff from the Foundation and renowned guests related to history and culture," he said.

The training sessions will be complemented by educational workshops related to the theme. More from twenty people have signed up for this new cycle of training sessions which will take place in the prison itself and which will cover the history of humanity from Prehistory to the Contemporary Age, through the collections contained in the MARQ, the monuments of La Torre Almohade de Almudaina and La Cava Gran in Agres, as well as the sites of La Illeta in El Campello, Lucentum in Alicante, Petracos in Castell de Castells and the Cova de l'Or in Beniarrés.

One of the most eagerly awaited moments of the academic year each year is the visit to MARQ and its sites carried out by those groups of inmates who meet the necessary requirements, at the discretion of the Prison Treatment Board, to participate in this activity.

Among the specific objectives of the programme, which resulted in finalist in the European Art-Explora Awards 2021In addition, it has contributed to the training of persons serving prison sentences and alternative measures for to promote their personal development and self-esteemThe MARQ's history and knowledge is brought to the attention of prisoners and people at risk of exclusion in order to help facilitate their re-socialisationIt is a suitable vehicle for inmates to participate in the cultural life that is closest to them.

The fourth edition of this pioneering programme has been launched this November and has shall end on 8 June 2023 with sessions to be held on Thursdays from 11:00 to 12:00.