MARQ celebrates International Day of Persons with Disabilities with a full programme of activities


The CV MARQ Foundation has organised various activities this weekend to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilitieswhich will be held on 3 December. The MARQ thus joins the events programmed with the objective of to make visible and promote the rights and wellbeing of people with different capacitiesThe EU is committed to promoting gender equality in all spheres of society and to raising awareness of their situation in all aspects of life. 

The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraHe explained that "this programme is part of the great work carried out by the museum to bring culture to all audiences with criteria of accessibility and integration, work that has been recognised with the Premi Turisme Comunitat Valenciana awarded last year to the MARQ in the category of inclusive tourism".

The Didactic Unit Accessibility and Social Responsibility of the CV Foundation MARQ offers the necessary adaptations to enjoy the archaeological heritage of both the museum and the sites and monuments, participating in the educational programmes. These days, the museum will be a more inclusive and accessible space, if possible, with the organisation of activities in collaboration with social organisations in the province of Alicante, such as the Down Syndrome Association of Alicantethe Asperger's Association Alicante (ASPALI), the Association of Occupational Leisure for People with Intellectual Disability (ODA) and APSA.

The calendar includes educational workshops where visitors can reproduce fans and learn about their history and curiosities; games to find clues to unravel enigmas or solve riddles; storytelling and animated visits to the museum's permanent galleries. With a seating limited to 20 peopleThe activities are aimed at families with children aged 3 to 7 years old who, in some cases, must be accompanied by an adult. All the activities are free of charge and some will be conducted in sign language. To take part in the activities, it will be necessary to pre-register in advance at the museum's ticket offices until half an hour before the show starts or until full capacity is reached.