MARQ makes history with the first Xi'an warriors exhibition to leave China after the pandemic


The Archaeological Museum of Alicante presented at the International Tourism Trade Fair, FITUR 2023, "The Legacy of the Qin and Han Dynasties, China".an exhibition that will bring together nine sculptures of the warriors of Xi'an and an original terracotta horse as highlights of a collection of more than 150 pieces.

The exhibition, which can be visited in Alicante from next March until January 2024, is the first exhibition on the legacy of the first Emperor. authorised by the People's Republic of China in the aftermath of the pandemic and one of the main activities of the programme to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Spain.

The first details and the representative image of the exhibition were unveiled today in Madrid at a ceremony attended by the President of the Provincial Council, Carlos MazónThe vice-president and deputy for culture, Julia Parraand the Minister Counsellor for Culture of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Spain, He YongThey agreed on the historic alliance for culture that this project represents.

The presentation was also attended by the manager of the Fundación CV MARQ, José Alberto Cortésthe Museum's director, Manuel Olcinaand the director of the Chinese Cultural Centre in Madrid, Changqing Yang.

Carlos Mazón pointed out that this is a historical exhibition "The exhibition is "the most important cultural and archaeological exhibition that we have ever offered in the city of Alicante, together with that of the Discóbolo de Mirón".

The provincial official stated that the power of culture, archaeology, universal language and cultural cooperation between peoples "has been able to overcome all the problems", while he predicted that hundreds of thousands of people "will come to this exhibition and, by extension, to the province and also to the city of Alicante, which will be decorated and wrapped up in the exhibition during its ten months".

In the same vein, Julia Parra predicted that "the exhibition will become one of the main cultural events of the year in Spain". The deputy thanked the Chinese government for its interest in making this exhibition a reality, which once again puts Alicante in the spotlight. "The commitment on the part of the Provincial Council has been clear and ambitious: we promised to work to put the province on the national and international map with proposals of great cultural and tourist attraction and we can say that this objective has been fulfilled," she said.

The provincial head also highlighted the impact of the exhibition on the strengthening of relations between the two countries. "Culture blurs borders, promotes understanding and brings people closer together", said Julia Parra.

The Chinese Minister Counsellor, He Yong, also said he felt fortunate to see this initiative come to fruition, "after several years of contacts and negotiations to bring this mega-exhibition to Alicante". In this sense, he thanked the MARQ for not having given up on this cultural exchange project, as well as for its efforts to have this exhibition, while encouraging the public, "beyond the warriors, who are the stars of the exhibition, to pay attention to the ceremonial bronzes, ceramics and sculptures of great archaeological and artistic value and which provide knowledge".

It is a major exhibition focusing on one of the most spectacular discoveries in world archaeology: the Terracotta Warriors from the First Emperor of Chinadeclared World Heritage Site since 1987 and Prince of Asturias Award for Science in 2010.among many other distinctions.

Organised in collaboration with the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China, the Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of Cultural Properties and the Shaanxi Cultural Heritage Promotion Centre, the exhibition will materialise the return of Qin Shihuang's warriors to Europefollowing his last visit in 2018 to the Liverpool World Museum.

A total of nine museums and departments have lent content for this exhibition: the Museum of the Mausoleum of the Emperor Qin Shihuangthe Shaanxi History Museumthe Xi'an Beilin Museumthe Shaanxi Academy of Archaeologythe Han Yang Ling Mausoleum Museumthe Xi'an Tang HanGuang Gate Museumthe Baoji Bronze Museumthe Qi Shan County Museum and the Long County Museum.

It is about 120 original partsmany of them exhibited for the first time outside Chinaincluding nine statues and a horse, a dozen terracotta figurines which is the maximum that the Chinese government allows to go out to other countries. There will also be replicas on display, including two bronze chariots, in addition to audio-visuals, graphics and various multimedia material.

For more than 2000 years, this army of life-size terracotta warriors guarded the entrance to the tomb of China's first emperor, Qin Shihuang, until a chance discovery in 1974during the repair works of a water pipe, brought to light one of the most important archaeological sites of the 20th century which continues to provide new discoveries today.

So far, more thanMore than 2,000 warrior figures, each with their own clothes, hairstyles and facial features, along with their own a horses and chariots, as well as other objectsalthough thexperts believe it is likely that there is around 8,000 statues in total, reunited to honour and protect China's first emperor on his journey to the afterlife.  

Curated by Dr. Marcos Martinón-Torres of the University of Cambridge, archaeologist leading a research programme at the Qin Mausoleum in Xi'an, the exhibition will also offer, didactic and accessible resources for all audiencesas well as a wide-ranging programme of conferences and side eventsThe exhibition will be on-site and online. The design is the work of the Rocamora Diseño y Arquitectura SLP studio and the museographic discourse spans from the Neolithic period to the creation of the First Empire of unified China and the subsequent beginning of the Han dynasty.

"The Legacy of the Qin and Han Dynasties" will show not only how they prepared for eternal life, but also everyday life in China more than two thousand years ago, its art, customs and extraordinary technologies and, for the first time, the progress of scientific studies carried out in the mausoleum of the First Emperor will be presented.

MARQ, more than two decades of success

Since its inauguration in 2002, the MARQ has registered around 2.755.000 visitorsof which 158,194 came in 2022, a year marked by the recovery of tourism after the pandemic crisis.

The international exhibition Gladiators. Heroes of the Coliseum'.which closed last November, received 101,862 visitors, making it the second most visited exhibition in the history of the Museum, only behind The Beauty of the Bodyinaugurated in 2009 in collaboration with the British Museum in London and with 'The Discobolus' from Mirón as one of the main exhibits.

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