The MARQ The countdown begins to the opening of the next international exhibition on the Xi'an Warriors. Two specialists from the Museum have travelled to China to finalise the preparations for this new cultural event. of the Diputación, which will be open to the public in Alicante from end of March until January 2024.
The archaeologist and exhibitions technician of the MARQ Foundation, Teresa Ximénez de Embúnand the restorer, Silvia Rocaare currently in the Asian country working with their counterparts in Xi'an and Shaanxi on the preparatory work for the checking, packing and shipment of partswhich have been carefully selected by the nine museums of the People's Republic of China for the exhibition "The Legacy of the Qin and Han Dynasties. China".
For the vice-president of the Diputación de Alicante and deputy for Culture, Julia ParraThis forthcoming exhibition is a milestone of the first magnitude that places our province among the destinations of greatest cultural interest at international level". The provincial head stressed "that it is a unique opportunity to be able to see in Alicante for ten months a selection that includes more than a hundred very significant objects, including nine terracotta warriors and a horse, the maximum number allowed by the Chinese authorities".
The deputy indicated that the work of the two technicians in China will consist of "supervising the pieces, the handling protocol, packaging and care necessary to move the 120 original pieces and five replicas that make up the international exhibition".
For her part, Teresa Ximénez de Embún said that "it is a real privilege that a first-rate collection such as the Xi'an Warriors is coming to MARQ, which shows that our CV MARQ Foundation and the Museum have been able to overcome all the requirements set by the Chinese Government to bring this legacy of its history, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987, to Alicante".
In the same vein, Silvia Roca explained that "it is essential to certify the state of conservation of each piece so that they return in the same state as when they were loaned to the museums of origin, guaranteeing optimal treatment during packaging, assembly and exhibition".
Currently the technicians from the nine participating Chinese museums in the sample are in the tasks of concentration of parts and manufacture of packagingThe boxes are custom-made and sealed with a numbered security seal, which will be opened at MARQ after acclimatisation, in accordance with the international protocols. For this, it is essential to control the temperature, humidity and lighting, as well as the non-contamination of the parts, which will be transported in wooden boxes lined with aluminium and insulating materials. Special anti-vibration systems, impact sensors and special materials to prevent abrasion due to friction will also be used.