Women and archaeology focus the activities of the Fundación CV MARQ to commemorate International Women's Day

The Fundación CV MARQ joins in the celebration of International Women's Day with a programme of activities that focuses on women from a historical perspective.

Visitors to MARQ on 8 and 11 March will be able to learn about the role played by women throughout history, dispel myths related to the construction of history and society by means of an exhibition on the role of women in the construction of history and society. Interactive QR with questions that will take them through the different rooms of the Museum's permanent collection, always centred on the figure of women. In addition, thehe MARQ website will host the collection ".Archaeology in women"with the aim of making women in archaeology more visible.

For the day of the celebration on 8 March and organised by by the Didactics and Accessibility Unit of the Fundación CV MARQ, a workshop has been organised from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. "The OCU Talent; for a children's audience and where minors will be able to find out what daily life would have been like in prehistoric times. One of the objectives of this workshop is to promote the values of women's work and the importance that women have had in the development of our societies.

International Women's Day

From 11 a.m. onwards, a workshop will be held in homage to Solveig Nordström Iberian ceramicsThis activity will include the decoration of the Iberian pottery with a serrated rim that is in the Museum's Iberian Room, from the Iberian site of La Escuera (San Fulgencio, Alicante) and which was discovered by this Swedish archaeologist, a friend of MARQ. This activity will take place as part of the project "Un Hospital de cuento" that the Fundación CV MARQ is carrying out with the Unidad Pedagógica Hospitalaria del Hospital General Universitario de Alicante Doctor Balmis.

The day closes at MARQ with a guided visit to the Roman Culture Hall The museum will show them the role of women in Roman society.

At the site of Lucentum from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. is scheduled for the sizer digging for schoolchildren "Discovering our ancestorsThe participants will learn about the role of archaeology in gender studies.

The activities will end on Saturday 11 March, with a visit from 17:30 to 19:00 hours in the Roman Culture room of the museum with the workshop "The Roman Culture".The story of Pyraltide".in which you can discover this woman who lived in Lucentum.

We will continue the activity with a workshop on Roman frescoes and the Mystery Box... Will our participants manage to decipher the mystery? Workshop for children aged 6 to 10 years old.

To participate in the activities it is necessary to register in advance by calling 965 149 000 or at the MARQ ticket offices.