The inauguration of "The legacy of the Qin and Han dynasties, China. The warriors of Xi'an"at the MARQ will kick off next Tuesday in Alicante the events programmed to celebrate the Spain-China Cultural and Tourism YearThe EU and the EU have also been invited to join forces to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
The President of the Diputación de Alicante, Carlos MazónIt is very gratifying that, after years of intense work and negotiations, our exhibition has been recognised as the most important bilateral Spanish-Chinese cultural project of the last decade and that the Chinese government has considered it as a matter of state," he said. In this regard, the provincial official referred to the important presence of the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Hu Heping, who has confirmed his attendance at the opening of the exhibition at the head of the official delegation of the P.R. China.
Furthermore, as Mazón pointed out, the exhibition is "an excellent opportunity for the province's tourism sector and a unique platform to make ourselves known in the Asian market". As the president recalled, the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) points out that Chinese citizens are the ones who travel the most (150 million in 2017) and spend the most, with a figure that in 2017 exceeded 260,000 million dollars and that, after the lifting of mobility restrictions, the UNWTO expects to recover. In 2019, Spain had around 900,000 Chinese tourists, 14% more than the previous year, with an average expenditure that was double that of German or French visitors.
On the other hand, these last days of preparations before the official presentation of 'The Warriors of Xi'an', the MARQ has received the visit of the Deputy Director General of International Exchange and Cooperation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, Zheng Haoand the Minister Counsellor for Culture of the Spanish Embassy in Spain, He YongThe Ministry's technical staff and the Ministry's technical, Liu Meijiang, have collaborated in the organisation of the opening day.
The ticket reservation to visit the exhibition "The legacy of the Qin and Han dynasties, China. The warriors of Xi'an"The application can be made through the website and at the MARQ ticket offices for a price of 5 euros per individual ticket and discounts for the over 65s, young people and students, among other groups.