The President of the Diputación de Alicante, Carlos MazónThis morning, he presented the tourism sector in the province the complementary actions to be developed by the institution to promote the international exhibition among tourists and locals. "The Legacy of the Qin and Han Dynasties, China. The Warriors of Xi'an".which exhibits the MARQ until January 2024.
Mazón, who received them at the museum accompanied by the deputy for Culture, Juan de Dios Navarroand the director of the Costa Blanca Tourist Board, José Mancebohas proposed both to municipal tourism techniciansas well as to associations and entrepreneurs in the sector promote in their tourist infoThe exhibition, which is the first of its kind in the world, will be open to the general public, hotel and catering establishments and cultural and leisure organisations. Spain's biggest cultural event in 2023.
Thanks to this partnership, tourism managers will be able to offer special conditions for the visit of your customers The president explained that this initiative "represents a unique opportunity to promote the countless tourist attractions of the Costa Blanca and the city of Alicante".
"Our sector will be the flagship of this cultural proposal. They will be disseminators and promoters of an exhibition that in itself justifies coming to the Costa Blanca, but if we also add the professionalism of our sector, nothing can go wrong, because we have worked hard and now it is time to reap the rewards," Mazón pointed out.
"More than 3,000 visits in the first four days and nearly 25,000 bookings. online has already registered the MARQ", announced the president, who added that the forecasts "are to exceed 300,000 visits, ahead of the exhibition of the Discóbolo de Mirón, which had 220,000 visitors".
"That is why our tourism sector is to be congratulated, not only in the city of Alicante, but throughout the province. I am glad that you support great events, in this case this great cultural event that offers us a great international projection", emphasized the institutional responsible.
The event was also attended by the Mayor of Alicante, Luis Barcalathe president and general secretary of Hosbec, Federico Fuster and Nuria MontesThe President and the Secretary General of the Business Confederation of the Valencian Community -CEV-, respectively, Salvador Navarro and Esther GuilabertThe President of the Alicante Chamber of Commerce, respectively, Carlos BañoThe event was attended by representatives of associations of hotels, campsites, travel agencies, golf courses, tourist flats, hotels, inland tourism, leisure establishments, restaurants, travel agencies and wine routes, among many others, as well as more than fifty municipal informers.
For his part, Juan de Dios Navarro commented that at MARQ "we wanted to make it easier for hotels, restaurants, travel agencies and all those who make up the tourism sector in the province to have access to the Xi'an warriors so that they can feel that this exhibition is their own".
This collaboration between the province's tourism agents and the Provincial Council, through the Costa Blanca Tourist Board, "is essential to ensure that it reaches thousands of people", said the deputy for Culture, who stressed that "culture and tourism have never been so closely linked".
Finally, the mayor of Alicante has confirmed that he will locate a totem of the exhibition at the Alicante Tourist OfficeHe also assured that this exhibition will offer major incentives for the city. For this reason, he said that "the indicators and the real impact that the exhibition will generate in terms of cruise passengers and visitors, restaurants and leisure" will be measured. "We have to take advantage of this great opportunity", concluded Barcala.
The terracotta warriors of the First Emperor of China are one of the most spectacular discoveries in world archaeology, declared a world heritage site. World Heritage Site since 1987, Prince of Asturias Award for Science 2010 and considered the 'Eighth Wonder of the World', among many other distinctions.
This exhibition presents for the first time in the world a total of 120 original partsmany of them unpublished outside Chinaincluding nine statues and a horse, making up a group of about ten terracotta figures, which is the maximum that the Chinese government allows to go out to other countries.