The exhibition 'The Warriors of Xi'an' at MARQ exceeds 28,000 visits during its first month in Alicante


The Legacy of the Qin and Han Dynasties, China. The Warriors of Xi'an". has completed its first month in the MARQ with figures that are close to the 28,300 visitsovercoming all expectations.

         The Deputy for Culture, Juan de Dios NavarroThe exhibition has been very well received in Spain and abroad, and he expressed his satisfaction at the great reception it has received both inside and outside of Spain. "Having an exhibition of this calibre in Alicante has placed our province in the focus of culture and tourism worldwide, as well as generating an attraction and interest on the part of the public that deserves the investment made and whose return is already more than evident," said Navarro.

The exhibition will remain at MARQ for ten months, as this is the maximum period of time allowed by the Chinese government authorities for the pieces to remain outside their country. The set of the Xi'an Warriors is UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987 and its stay in the Alicante archaeological museum is the result of years of hard work and management.

Navarro also highlighted the research aspect of an exhibition "which has allowed our teams of archaeologists, restorers and technicians to work at the same level of demand and quality as their counterparts in Chinese museums, placing the MARQ at the forefront of the international museum field".  

Also, The Warriors of Xi'an' has been recognised as the main cultural proposal ofl Spain-China Dual Year, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. A coincidence which, in the words of the deputy, "has increased the cultural and touristic offer of Alicante in view of the data of the public visiting the exhibition.". In fact, among the foreign public, the from Great BritainThe majority of domestic visitors have come from the UK, followed by the Nordic, Dutch and North American countries, and the majority have come from the UK. Community of Madridthe Valencian Community, Murcia, Castile-La Mancha and Andalusia.

The Legacy of the Qin and Han Dynasties, China. The Warriors of Xi'an', the result of collaboration with the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China, the Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of Cultural Properties and the Shaanxi Cultural Heritage Promotion Centre, includes a selection of 120 original pieces from nine museums and institutions.