Alicante Provincial Council celebrates International Museum Day with a focus on sustainability and wellbeing

The Diputación de Alicante is once again taking part in the events planned for the occasion of the International Museum Day (IMD). As in previous editions, the MUBAG, the MARQ and the Alicante Institute of Culture Juan Gil-Albert They will offer their content together with centres from the City Council, the University, Aguas de Alicante and The Ocean Race.

The Deputy for Culture, Juan De Dios NavarroThe Diputación de Alicante continues to encourage and promote culture as a fundamental part of our commitment to citizenship and this week, coinciding with the celebration of DIM under the slogan 'Museums, sustainability and welfare', we want to highlight the role of museums as a tool for the dissemination of sustainable development, educating the public positively about climate change and social inequality.

Navarro also recalled the launch of MUSEA, "a platform that concentrates the activity of Alicante's museums and cultural centres to facilitate their dissemination and access to the extensive offer that we make available to the public". Along with the bodies of the provincial institution will participate the MACA, The Cigarrerasthe MUSAthe Exhibition Hall of the Lonja del Pescado (Fish Market)the Nativity Scene Museumthe Museum of Nueva Tabarca, the MUA, the Museum of Alicante Water and the The Ocean Race Museum. The programme of all the museums and centres will be available on the website. and the participating centres will give visitors a personalised cloth bag.


The MARQ has organised a open day during the 18, 20 and 21 May in all its archaeological sites, as well as in the international exhibition 'The Legacy of the Qin and Han Dynasties, China. The Warriors of Xi'an' and in the permanent exhibition.

In addition, from Thursday to Sunday 21 May, the Fundación CV MARQ has prepared a varied programme that includes animated and dramatised visits, didactic workshops, storytelling and track gamesThe MARQ family, with the participation of associations and institutions related to people with disabilities and social responsibility that are part of the MARQ family.

Also on Thursday at 12:00, there will be a presentation of "The Princess of the Carpathians. An Exceptional Bronze Age Tomb in Alicante".The exhibition will be on display for the first time in the museum's foyer, where the gold and silver trousseau discovered in 1904 at the Bronze Age site of San Antón, in Orihuela, will be exhibited together with other pieces of pottery, metal and bone from the MARQ's deposits. 


On 18, 20 and 21 May, the Alicante Fine Arts Museum will be hosting the following events guided tours of the exhibition 'Sorolla and Valencian painting of his time. Dialogues and Contrasts'.with dramatised visits and stage activities on Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday the day will include the Eco-message workshopfor family audiences, by Daguten Escuela Gráfica de Barrio.

All programmed activities have limited places and require prior registration. On the MUBAG website, www.mubag.esIn the drop-down menu of activities you will find the section dedicated to the DIM with the complete programme and the registration form.


Coordinated by the cultural director of the IAC, Pilar TébarThe DIM's programme will revolve around the cycle of conferences 'Discovering Sorolla', in commemoration of the centenary of his death. On Thursday 18 May at 19.30, the Casa Bardin will host "Sorolla. Origins", by Luis Alberto Pérez VelardeCurator of the Sorolla Museum in Madrid. And on Friday 19 at 7.30 p.m. Pedro J. Martínez PlazaThe Museo del Prado's curator of 19th century painting will talk about Sorolla, Rafael Altamira and the Institución Libre de Enseñanza. Visitors can also enjoy the exhibition "Donde habita el silencio" (Where silence dwells) by Jesus Tarruellacurated by Felisa Martínez Andrés.