The Provincial Council celebrates 'La Noche en Blanco' in its cultural centres with activities for the whole family

The cultural spaces of the Alicante Provincial Council will join tomorrow friday 15 july to the celebration of 'La Noche en Blanco'. The MUBAGthe MARQ and the Juan Gil-Albert Institute participate one more year together with the rest of Alicante's centres in order to offer open days, guided tours, concerts and educational workshopsamong other initiatives that will be free of charge and limited to the capacity of the different venues.

The initiative, which was conceived in Paris in 2002, began to be held in Alicante in 2015 to bring together the cultural and cultural offerings of the city. encouraging citizen participation in the proposals that are developed in the municipality. In this way, the MARQ has deployed a wide-ranging calendar of activities around a open day on the same Friday from 16:00 to 24:00 hours. The museum's gardens will be the setting for a dramatisation in which the characters Yan and Ting will give an entertaining explanation of the exhibition of the Xi'an Warriors, from 20:00 to 21:00and, in addition, of 19:00 to 22:00 hoursvisitors will be able to approach making a bookmark with your Chinese horoscope or have your photo taken in the photocall to upload it to social media.

Also in the gardens will take place the proposal 'En la Nit en Blanc dibuixa els Guerrers de Xi'an' (In the White Night draw the warriors of Xi'an), a drawing competition related to the famous terracotta sculptures, which make up the latest temporary exhibition at MARQ. The winning entry will receive a set of articles and educational material related to the exhibition.

In addition, the Didactic Classroom of the museum has prepared two workshops for the little ones: Draw and colour your own Xi'an warrior'. -from 19:00 to 20:00 hours- and Lights of the Han Dynasty' (Han Dynasty Lights) -from 20:00 to 21:00 hours-. Participation in these activities is recommended for children from 6 to 12 years old and prior registration is required by calling 965 149 000 or at the museum's ticket offices.

For its part, the Museum of Fine Arts of Alicante will celebrate the Noche en Blanco with a full programme aimed at all audiences and extending its opening hours by four hours, from 19:00 to 24:00 hours. The didactic workshop 'Crossed gazes'. will offer the little ones - from 19:00 to 20:30 hours - the opportunity to to interpret an artist's studio and draw an imaginary work inspired by real artists' studios in the exhibition 'The 19th century. The collection in the light''.

Music will also be present at the MUBAG by the composer Benjamin Sun and a repertoire of piano pieces related to the works in 'Art as inspiration. The Sara Navarro Collection'. The proposal, which will begin at 21:00 hoursincludes a second part dedicated to improvisation with the participation of the audience. In addition, at 22:15 and 23:15 hours there will be two screenings of the theatrical show 'Noche de subastas' (Auction Night) by the company Ambulantes lab. Places for this activity are limited and registration can be made through the museum's website.

Finally, the Juan Gil-Albert Institute of Culture has organised a physical theatre workshop for all audiences which will take place from 17:30 to 20:30 hours in the Municipal Arts Centre. The group Elemental Teatre will carry out this proposal of exploration and group scenic creation for the recreation of stories told from different sensorial languages. The workshop will be given by Elena Brufalwith the support of Laura Tendero