The archaeological site of the Tossal de Manises hosts this weekend the performances of Historical Recreation organised by the "Hispania Romana" Cultural Association and the Banco Sabadell Foundation. This initiative of the MARQ is now in its eighth year and invites the public to meet in situ the life and customs of the Roman civilisation.
The Deputy for Culture, Juan de Dios NavarroThis morning he presented the conference, which is aimed at all audiences and in which around thirty actors will take part. "I want to highlight the value of recalling these scenes, as faithfully as possible, with the utmost rigour and in an environment where 2,000 years ago they really happened, in order to make the history of our province accessible to the public".
The representative of the Banco Sabadell Foundation, José Manuel FuentesThe director of the Museum of Archaeology of Alicante said that "for us it is a pleasure to collaborate for another year with the Archaeological Museum of Alicante in the development of this project that brings part of the heritage legacy of the province closer to its citizens, recreating what life was like in Roman times".
For its part, José LloretThe event, in which the stages in the life of a family will be explained and military scenes will be recreated with martial exercises, among other activities, "has become a milestone in the MARQ's cultural calendar and, year after year, attracts greater interest from the public", said the member of the Hispania Romana collective.
With a maximum capacity of 250 spectators per passthe Lucentum Reviviscit-2023 performances will take place on Saturday 30 September -from 10:30 to 13:00 and from 17:00 to 19:30 hours- and the Sunday 1 October -from 10:30 to 13:00 hours-. The price of each session will be three eurosfree of charge for children up to 7 years old, and tickets can be purchased at the MARQ ticket officesin its own Lucentum site (Tossal de Manises) or to via Instanticket. On the other hand, during this weekend will remain the guided pass service has been abolished. and free visits to the site will not be allowed.
"It is essential to value our cultural heritage, because only by knowing where we come from can we move forward to build our future," said the deputy, who called on Alicante's society to come to the site to enjoy this attractive initiative.
Hispania Romana Cultural Association
The Hispania Romana Cultural Association is a national, non-profit organisation, based in Toledo, Spain. doyenne in the field of historical re-enactments in Spain. It is made up of around a hundred members with a common interest in history and in particular in the Roman presence in our country and other parts of the Mediterranean.