A piece from the MARQ, the star of the temporary exhibition inaugurated at the Archaeological Museum of Ibiza.

Starting this weekend, the Archaeological Museum of Ibiza is hosting the temporary exhibition "Per a la nostra señora Tinnit, la poderosa. La plaqueta des Culleram, cent anys després". A piece on temporary loan from the MARQ, the Archaeological Museum of Alicante, which can be visited in the Puig d'Es Molins Monographic Museum in Ibiza. 

The opening ceremony of the exhibition on the bronze plaque in Punic script on the centenary of its discovery was attended by the director of the MARQ, Manuel Olcina, the director general of Culture of the Balearic Government, Pere Vidal, the director of the Museum of Ibiza, Benjami Costa and Juan Zamora, a specialist in Punic palaeography who has researched the plaque.