Guardians of the Sea exhibition closes in Benidorm with the attendance of 8.557 people

The Boca del Calvari Museum in Benidorm has hosted until the 19th of November the following exhibitions The Guardian Of The Sea. The Tower of Les Caletes in Benidorm and Guardians of Stone. The Castles of AlicanteThese two exhibitions have shown the importance of the castles, towers and fortifications in our province, with the aim of highlighting and disseminating the extraordinary cultural heritage that it possesses.

The exhibition has been visited by more than 8,500 people since its opening last May. Extended at the request of Benidorm Town Hall, this travelling exhibition of the Diputación de Alicante has already visited 14 municipalities in the province. Tfter its inauguration at MARQ in 2015, Stone Guardians has been visited in Villena, Orihuela, Xixona, Callosa del Segura, Guardamar del Segura, La Vila Joiosa, Crevillent, Calp, Monforte del Cid, Petrer, Torrevieja, Rojales and Benidorm. This exhibition was born as a versatile exhibition, capable of absorbing the novelties that were produced as the itinerancies progressed.