MARQ celebrates the Day of Persons with Disabilities with workshops and animated visits during the week

The Archaeological Museum of Alicante has organised several activities this week to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilitieswhich will be held on Sunday 3 December. The MARQ thus joins the events programmed for the purpose of to promote the rights and welfare of people in all spheres of society, as well as to raise awareness of their situation in all aspects of life. 

The Deputy for Culture, Juan de Dios NavarroHe explained that the calendar has been organised in collaboration with associations in Alicante that provide services to people with disabilities and that "the programme designed by the Didactics and Accessibility Unit of the Fundación CV MARQ will consist of workshops in which participants will make pieces inspired by the exhibition on the warriors of Xi'an".

Visits and tours adapted to the needs of users of the Down Syndrome Association of Alicante, Alzheimer's Association of Alicante (AFA), Asperger's Association of Alicante (ASPALI), Association of Occupational Leisure for People with Intellectual Disability (ODA) and APSA.

On Wednesday 29 November, the MARQ CV Foundation will also be giving a talk on "Accessibility and social responsibility projects at the MARQ", as part of the "Accessibility and social responsibility projects at the MARQ". Disability Week organised by the University of Alicanteand will participate in the public reading of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with Disabilities, which will be held on 1 December in the Assembly Hall of the Germán Bernacer Building of the University of Alicante. 

All the information is available on the website MARQ - International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023