The MARQ receives the "S" certification for Tourism Sustainability at the stand of the Generalitat Valenciana at FITUR

The Fundación CV MARQ has obtained the "S" certificate for Tourism Sustainability with the awarding at FITUR of the diploma granted by the Generalitat Valenciana to those institutions, companies and organisations that accredit create social, economic and environmental value in its environment in the short and long term, thus contributing to the well-being and progress of present and future generations.

The President of the Provincial Council and President of the CV MARQ Foundation, Toni Pérez, stressed that "with this accreditation SThe CV MARQ Foundation consolidates its commitment to sustainability and confirms its social commitment to the efficient use of resources and encourages responsible tourism that promotes the respectful and ethical development of cultural and tourist activity".

It will be the deputy for Culture and vice-president of the CV MARQ Foundation, Juan de Dios Navarro CaballeroThe award was presented to the MARQ Foundation at the FITUR Tourism Fair, where "obtaining this certification highlights the commitment of the MARQ CV Foundation to sustainable development, working to make the history and archaeology of the province of Alicante accessible and offering an extensive programme of activities that generates a positive impact on the public".

In this respect, it is worth noting that the international exhibition "The Legacy of the Qin and Han Dynasties, China. The warriors of Xi'an"The exhibition has recently reached the figure of 268,000 visitors and most of them chose the guided tour service to get to know this magnificent exhibition.

The initiatives promoted by the CV MARQ Foundation generate wealth throughout the province of Alicante, both directly and indirectly. As a result of collaboration agreements with local corporations, the CV MARQ Foundation manages the visitor service and guided tours at sites and monuments located throughout the province, both on the coast, such as the sites of Lucentum in La Albufereta de Alicante and La Illeta dels Banyets in El Campello, and in the interior of the province, such as the Pla de Petracos Sanctuary and the Cave Art Interpretation Centre in Castell de Castells, the monuments of the Almudaina Almohad Tower or the Cava Gran in Agres, which together with the Cova de l'Or with its Interpretation Centre in Beniarrés, make the province of Alicante a quality tourist-cultural attraction, generating culture, wealth and employment in these enclaves.

This certification S for Sustainable Tourismimplemented by the Spanish Tourism Quality Institute (ICTE), highlights the commitment to sustainable development on the part of the Fundacion CV MARQ, which aligns with the its Annual Action Plan with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Precisely, this certification attests to the performance of the Foundation's activities in accordance with the Technical Specification on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Compliance developed by the Spanish Institute for Tourism Quality (ICTE) based on international guidelines.

The S mark for Sustainable Tourism joins the certifications Q for Tourist Quality -driven also by Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE)- y Universal AccessibilityThe CV MARQ Foundation will be awarded the awards in 2018 and 2020, respectively.